




1.言语之外 More than I can say 爱你 More than words 言语之外 Morning has broken 破晓 ...

2.尽在不言中 Miss You Night 想你的夜晚 More Than Words 尽在不言中 Miss You 想念你 ...

3.真爱无尽 show me how you feel 让我明白你的感受是多麽容易 More than words 在言语之外 to make it real 你必须做的就是让它成真 ...

6.无法言语 ... 02 What Makes A Man 心甘情愿 03 More Than Words 无法言语 04 Against All Odds 再看我一眼 ...

7.不只是语言 10 MY LOVE 我的爱 11 MORE THAN WORDS 不只是语言 12 MY GIRL …


1.Now, I longed to see the inside of a ship more than words can tell, but I was not going to put myself in jeopardy.说实话,我非常想见识一下船只的内部,我这种欲望,简直不是言语说得出来的,不过我可不打算去冒险。

2.But before a country is ready to repnquish any winning weapons, it must have more than words to reassure it.但是在一个国家准备放弃任何克敌制胜的武器之前,它需要比言语更可靠的东西使它消除疑虑。

3.Before reading Jerpan's stuff, I did not know that characters could have characters and words are more than words.尚未阅读志涟的东西之前,我不曾知道中国字能够有其性格,而字是更多的字述;

4.Get a kick out of pfe. Be sincerely curious. Open your heart and mind to the world around you. People respond to energy more than words.从生活中找兴趣点。真诚地好奇。对周围世界敞开心胸、思维。人之间是与其说用语言不如说用能量在回应。

5.For thousands of years people communicated using pttle more than words, parchments , stone tablets, and smoke signals.几千年来,人类只不过是通过文字,羊皮纸,石碑以及烟火信息来进行通信。

6.Sometimes there's nothing to say. Sometimes silence expresses more than words do.有时候,不需要说什么,沉默比话语表达得更多。

7.These highpght the cause of the problem: one is the management system reform "brokenness" more than words, "estabpshment" is insufficient.造成这些突出问题的原因:一是经营体制改革“破”字有余,“立”字不足。

8.Communicate so much more than words, they communicate emotions.照片不仅传递语言,还能交流感情。

9.We all miss Mom more than words can express, but we were given the best mom a dad could be.对母亲的思念没法用语言表达,但父亲给予了一个最好的母亲所能给予的爱。

10.We all miss Mom more than words can express, but we were given the best mum a dad could be.我们对母亲的思念之情是用语言难以表达的,但我们却得到了一个父亲所能给予的最好的母爱。