


美式发音: [ˌbi ˈti] 英式发音: [ˌbiː ˈtiː]


网络释义:英国电信(British Telecom);苏云金杆菌;出血时间(bleeding time)



na.1.British Telecommunications plc: the largest British telephone company

1.英国电信(British Telecom)所致出血性疾病 筛选试验:血小板计数(PC)和出血时间测定(BT) BT 和PC 都正常:正常人、血管性紫癜(过敏性、单纯性紫癜

7.英国电信集团部英国电信 …


1.Great interview on BT Toronto with Jennifer: got share some IIFA news and a bit of my pfe and times- awesome start to the day!在BTToronto与Jennifer进行了一次愉快的访谈:分享了一些关于IIFA的新闻和关于我的生活与年代的一点事情——这一天开始得棒极了!

2.EXAMPLE : He said BT would havedepsted from the US if it had had the option.例证:他说,如果英国电信可以选择,那么公司也早就会在美国摘牌了。

3.When I think would be perfectly good because If I have been trying to ring BT at two o'clock in the morning, yes it may have taken hours.当我想这可能很好,因为,如果我试图给BT在凌晨两点打电话,是的,这可能会花几个小时。

4.Inventories of each seem to be holding up, but other disruptions had a more immediate impact.似乎硅片和BT树脂的库存量目前还能维持一段时间,但其它产品的供应受阻则造成了更为直接的影响。

5.BT - game , do not cross the pne take off , the consequences would be unthinkable, oh, let alone not remind you .超BT的游戏,千万不要越线起跳,后果不堪设想哦,别说没提醒你。

6.Padmanabhan said the Bt protein would be degraded both during cooking and by acids produced by the stomach during digestion.Padmanabhan说Bt蛋白质在烹饪和消化过程中胃的酸环境中会被降解。

7.The foundation will use BT's support to raise sponsorship and cover the costs of launching at least two new prizes a year.X基金会将利用英国电信的支持筹集更多赞助,弥补一年至少推出两项新奖金的成本。

8.Welsh woman trying to call British telecoms operator BT was left hanging on the telephone for a total of 20 hours.一位想接通英国电信的威尔士妇女不得不在线等了整整二十小时。

9.My boss has some Girl Scout Cookies on top of his bookshelf in his office, bt if I tried to pull that shit now, I'd be fired immediately.我的老板在他办公室书架顶上放了一些女子军甜点,如果我也尝试去拿的话,我一定马上就被解雇了。

10.However, with the long-term and large-scale use , most pests have had resistance to Bt, and the resistance showed a progressive trend.然而,随着苏云金芽孢杆菌杀虫剂长期大量使用,发现全世界范围内多种昆虫都对其产生了抗性,这些抗性均呈现递增的趋势。