


美式发音: [ˈdɑrkən] 英式发音: [ˈdɑː(r)kən]



第三人称单数:darkens  现在分词:darkening  过去式:darkened  同义词反义词


v.blacken,dim,deepen,cast a shadow,grow dark



1.[i][t](使)变暗,变黑to become dark; to make sth dark

The sky began to darken as the storm approached.暴风雨来临时天空变得黑沉沉的。

We walked quickly through the darkened streets.我们快步穿过黑魆魆的街道。

a darkened room变暗了的房间

2.[i][t](使)忧郁,生气,不快to become unhappy or angry; to make sb unhappy or angry

Her mood darkened at the news.听到这消息,她的心情暗淡起来。

Luke's face darkened(= he looked angry) .卢克沉下脸来。

It was a tragedy that darkened his later pfe.这场悲剧给他后来的岁月蒙上了阴影。


v.1.to become darker, or to make something darker2.to suddenly become serious or less hopeful, or to suddenly make a situation seem serious or less hopeful

1.变暗 Lighten → 变亮 Darken变暗 Difference → 差值 ...

2.变黑 quicken 加快 darken 使黑,变黑 youthen 变年轻 ...

3.将整个图像变黑 Region sequence – 决定渲染区域的排列顺序。 Darken将整个图像变黑。 First diffuse bounce 首次漫反 …

4.变暗模式 2. 溶解模式( Dissolve) 3. 变暗模式( Darken) 4. 正片叠底模式( Multiply) ...

5.暗化模式 mark 标记 darken 变黑暗 darkness 黑暗 ...

7.弄暗 dark adj. 黑暗的 darken vt. 弄暗,使模糊 darkness n. 黑暗 ...


1.The lake ws deserted as the sky began to darken, looking more threatening by the minute.湖面一片荒凉,天色越来越暗,每分钟的流逝就平添一分恐怖。

2.She could tell you to the week when the first dogwood blossom would brighten the ridge, the first blackberry darken enough to harvest.她能告诉你第一支山茱萸花开,点亮山脊是在哪个礼拜,还有黑莓什么时候可以采摘。

3.Kanchi said anxiously, as the sky began to darken for a pght rain.凯蒂忧心重重地说,因为此时天空暗淡无光,像是要下小雨的样子。

4.Specifically, summer flowers - may bracts susceptible to wind down, the summer sun too hot, is often darken.具体地说,夏季的花--五月的花苞易被狂风吹落,夏日的太阳过分炽热,又常被遮暗。

5.Studies show that using negative, derogatory words -- even as you talk to yourself -- can darken your mood as well.研究发现,使用负面、贬损的语言,即使你对自己说,也会使你的心情变糟。

6.Its surface should darken over the years as dust and cosmic rays mar its pristine whiteness, and yet it's kept its youthful sheen.它的表面多年来由于尘埃和宇宙光破坏它的原始亮度,它应该变暗。可它现依然保持着青春的光辉。

7.He saw a look of swift disappointment, almost of consternation, darken her eyes.她的眼睛掠过了一丝失望,甚至是惊愕的神色。

8.the violet pght of dusk began to darken the sky.紫罗兰色的黄昏降临,天空开始暗下来。

9.Modern writing inks usually contain ferrous sulfate with a small amount of an acid; on paper, they darken and bond, becoming permanent.现代写字用的墨水通常包括了硫酸亚铁和少量的酸;写在纸上,颜色会越来越深,且能保持永不褪色。

10.Avoid tanning "accelerators" or tanning pills that claim to speed up the body's production of melanin or darken the skin.避免那些声称可以加速产生身体黑色素或者是让你的皮肤变黑的晒黑“加速器”或者是晒黑的药物。