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n.1.in futures and options trading, a system of pricing whereby longer-term contracts are priced higher than near-term contracts.2.interest payable by a broker when the depvery of and payment for stock is postponed3.formerly, on the London Stock Exchange, the postponement of the depvery of stock to a broker and payment for it, from one account day to the next

v.1.to arrange for depvery and payment to be postponed when transferring stock in a stock exchange

1.期货溢价 Cycpcal 周期性的 Contango 期货升水 Covenant 契约 ...

3.价差现货贴水”,远期期货价格超出近期货价格的部分,称“期货升水率”(CONTANGO);如果远期期货的价格低于近期期货的价 …

6.期货贴水期货贴水contango)是指近期价格低于远期价格。例如:若现货/三个月期为贴水18美元(即$18c),则表示现货价较三个月期 …


1.Such a condition, known as contango, would erode the ETF's returns, because CYB invests exclusively in one-month forwards.这种期货溢价的状况可能会损害CYB的回报,因为这只ETF只投资1个月远期产品。

2.The forward curve for Nymex crude prices currently slopes upward - known as a 'contango' - and is extraordinarily steep.纽约商交所原油期货价格曲线目前向上显著倾斜,行内称为“升水”。

3.Some take hope from the upward slope of the oil-futures curve, known as contango , interpreting it as indicating higher prices ahead.有些人从上升的石油期货曲线中看到了希望,认为这表明未来会有更高的价格。

4.Those higher charges ought to be reflected in higher priced forward oil contracts, steepening the contango.这些成本上升应当会反映在远期合约价格上涨中,从而导致期货升水幅度扩大。

5.Many advisers recommend against oil ETFs, which suffer from a market malady known as 'contango. '许多投资顾问都不推荐投资石油类ETF,因为它们会受到“期货溢价”这一市场弊病的影响。

6.One of the most striking short-term pulls on oil prices is a futures-market condition called contango.支撑油价的最为令人注目的短期措施之一是期货市场上所谓的“升水”。

7.Contango incentivizes those who can afford to hold oil to hold on to it.“升水”刺激那些能负担得起的人把石油握在手里。

8.Contango kicks in when funds must replace expiring futures with longer-term contracts at higher prices, eating into returns.当基金必须以价格更高的长期合约取代即将到期的期货合约时,就会有“期货溢价”,而这种情况会侵蚀收益。

9.With low rates, there isn't sufficient contango to create higher prices in the out years.在低利率的情况下,就不会有足够的递延费来创建未来年份的高价格。

10.Brokers studied the contango before bidding for spices.经纪人在出价购买香料之前研究期货溢价。