


美式发音: [ˌmɑrɡəˈrit] 英式发音: [ˌmɑː(r)ɡəˈriːt]






1.春白菊;滨菊;法兰西菊a small white garden flower with a yellow centre


n.1.a plant with white or pale yellow flowers with a bright yellow center

1.玛格丽特 Marcia 玛西亚 拉丁 女战神 Marguerite 玛格丽特 希腊 珍珠 Marina 马丽娜 拉丁 属于海洋的 ...

2.雏菊 40、Debby 黛碧……蜜蜂 蜂王 41、Marguerite 玛格丽特……珍珠 42、Zona 若娜……黎明 ...

4.玛格丽特希腊珍珠 Margaret 玛格丽特拉丁珍珠。 Marguerite 玛格丽特希腊珍珠。 Marjorie 玛乔丽法国珍珠。 ...

5.马格利特 ... cynthia 辛西亚 月亮之神 marguerite 马格利特 matilda 玛绨达 ...

6.海贼王玛格丽特 ... Mirabelle 米拉蓓儿 Marguerite 玛格莉特 Alexia 亚莉克希亚 ...


1.Marguerite's depghtful eyes seemed to be searching among her memories, but she did not remember, or appeared not to remember.从玛格丽特迷人的眼睛里似乎看得出她在回忆,但是她一点儿也想不起来,或者是,看起来似乎她想不起来。

2.It was you I came to see, because you've always been extremely nice to me, and I knew you before I met Marguerite.我是来看您的,您,因为您对我一直很亲切,我认识您比认识玛格丽特早。

3.At this, one of the men reached out his hand, began unstitching the shroud and, seizing it by one end suddenly uncovered Marguerite's face.两个工人中的一个动手拆开尸布,他抓住一头尸布掀开,一下子露出了玛格丽特的脸庞。

4.But those who had loved Marguerite were beyond counting, and those whom she had loved had not yet begun to be counted.但是那些爱过玛格丽特的人是不计其数的,而被她爱过的人则还没有计算呢。

5.I knew Marguerite. Meeting me so unexpectedly must have thrown her into a state of great confusion.我了解玛格丽特,这次不期而遇一定使她惊慌失措。

6.And Eddie found a certain love with Marguerite, a grateful love, a deep but quiet love, one that he knew, above all else, was irreplaceable.爱迪找到的是某种与玛格丽特相守的爱,一种感激的爱,一种深切而无言的爱,一种他知道无论如何都无法代替的爱。

7.his family are always on at him about his affection for Marguerite: that makes two reasons why he'll not leave her a penny.老公爵什么也不会留给玛格丽特的,这有两个原因:这些老头子个个都是自私的,再加他家里人一直反对他对玛格丽特的钟爱。

8.a week later , marguerite had taken possession of the house in the country and i was installed at the point du jour.一星期以后,玛格丽特搬进了乡下那座房子,我就住在曙光饭店。

9.And, sppping out of Gaston's grasp, Marguerite sat him on her right, me on her left, and then said to Nanine.玛格丽特把手从加斯东手里抽回来,请他坐在她右面,我坐在左面,接着她对娜宁说。

10.Marguerite's history is an exception, I say again. Had it been a commonplace, it would not have been worth writing down.我再重复一遍,玛格丽特的故事是罕见的,但是如果它带有普遍性的话,似乎也就不必把它写出来了。