


美式发音: ['fentənɪl] 英式发音: ['fentənɪl]





n.1.a narcotic drug.

1.芬太尼 普鲁卡因 Procaine 芬太尼 Fentanyl 哌替啶 Pethidine ...

2.吩坦尼 ... 片/瓶 吲哚美辛片 Indometacin 支 芬太尼注射液 Fentanyl 支 吗啡注射液 Morphine ...

6.吩坦尼贴片2. 何谓吩坦尼贴片(Fentanyl)? 它是一种经过特殊设计的皮肤贴片, 是一种使用简便、非侵害性的经皮肤吸收剂型。


1.As Wynn notes, the physician who prescribed Fentanyl did not know he had been prescribed Dilaudid.如韦恩所说,让他用芬太尼的医生并不知道他已经使用了双氧吗啡。

2.The heart rate, blood pressure, anti-hypertension drug dosage, fentanyl dosage and duration in ICU were compared between the 2 groups.比较两组患者的心率、血压、降压药物使用情况、芬太尼用量、住重症监护病房(ICU)时间等。

3.Methods: Fentanyl - Etomidate intravenous anesthesia were used for induced abortion in 120 patients.方法:对120例人工流产术患者实施芬太尼-乙咪酯静脉麻醉。

4.Objective To explore how chloroprocaine or fentanyl affects the onset time of epidural ropivacaine on operation of gynecologic patients.目的探讨妇科手术患者复合氯普鲁卡因及芬太尼对罗哌卡因硬膜外麻醉起效时间的影响。

5.intraoperative supplement sevoflurane, a small number of fentanyl, adequate vecuronium to maintain anesthesia.术中可辅助七氟醚、少量芬太尼、充足的维库溴铵维持麻醉。

6.Serious adverse events, including deaths, have been reported in patients with other immediate-release transmucosal fentanyl products.在使用其他速释型透黏膜芬太尼产品的患者中已有严重不良事件(包括死亡)的报告。

7.The fentanyl patch, which depvers a powerful narcotic through the skin, is the subject of an FDA alert.芬太尼贴皮剂,是一种经皮发挥强镇痛作用的药剂,是FDA警告的对象。

8.Target controlled infusion; Propofol; Fentanyl; Intravenous anesthesia; Colonoscopy.靶控输注;丙泊酚;芬太尼;静脉麻醉;结肠镜检查。

9.Objective To investigate the cpnical apppcation of the combination effects of propofol and fentanyl in painless artificial abortion.目的探讨异丙酚联合芬太尼在无痛人工流产中的临床应用价值。

10.The anesthesia was maintained with appropriate concentration of sevoflurane, intermittent fentanyl and vecuronium.以芬太尼、维库溴铵和七氟醚维持麻醉。