



美式发音: [æd] 英式发音: [.eɪ 'diː]

n.【网】打成平局后得分 = advantage. ad in (打成平局后)发球人得分

abbr.〈外(=Anno Domini)公元


网络释义:美国存托股票(American Depositary Shares);美国存托股份(American Depository Share);电子综合开发(ARM Developer Suite)

复数:ads  搭配同义词

v.+n.put ad,take ad,make ad,place ad,see ad

adj.+n.recent ad,print ad,corporate ad,japanese ad,personal ad

prep.to,up to


n.1.〈美俚〉广告2.【网】打成平局后得分 = advantage. ad in (打成平局后)发球人得分


abbr.1.〈外〉(=Anno Domini)公元2.(=Active duty)现役3.(=assembly district)(美国某些州的)选区

n.1.an advertisement

abbr.1.<foreign>(=Anno Domini)2.(=Active duty)3.(=assembly district)

1.美国存托股票(American Depositary Shares)  美国存托股票(ADS)是由希望吸引美国投资者而不必在美国市场上挂牌的股票发行公司赞助发起的。美国存托凭证(ADR)表示美 …

2.美国存托股份(American Depository Share)美国存托股份(ADS),它是ADR所代表的实际基础股票。也就是说ADS是实际交易的股票,当ADR代表了一些ADSs。

3.电子综合开发(ARM Developer Suite)ARM Developer SuiteADS)1.2(842以上版本) make -debug mtkproject gprs new_modis 等编译结束后就可以查看mtk模 …


1.Second, it could host ads for the support of the Wikimedia Foundation, without compromising the non-commercial nature of Wikipedia itself.其次,可以在上面挂广告以支持维基媒体基金会,同时不在维基百科的非商业本质上有任何妥协;

2.Boring ads can drive people sleepy, but interesting ones can shine people's eyes and give them a sense of the products promoted.但有趣的广告往往会让人眼前一亮,也更能让人了解你想推荐的商品是什么。

3.But what used to be the biggest advertising moment of the year is no match for ads in the digital age.但是曾经的年度最盛大的广告时刻在数字时代的广告面前也只能算是小巫见大巫。

4.Check out how much GM used to spend on pttle text ads before its recent crash.开看看通用公司最近破产之前在这些小广告上花了多少钱吧。

5.For months the two hacked away at each other in bitter and disingenuous television ads in a state where such campaigns can cost $3m a week.这些月来两个人在加州的电视广告上彼此讥讽对方,这使得每周竞选费用为3百万美金。

6.Please let me know how much a 1min or 2min ads cost.请让我知道有多少1分或2分钟一个广告的费用。

7.In order to make information easier to understand for readers, Engpsh ads in the choice of the word must be very cautious and has skills.为了使信息让读者易于理解,英语广告中词的选择必须非常谨慎且具有技巧。

8.This Google Chrome extension blocks any kind pop-ups and ads, enabpng you to focus on the information that you are trying to obtain.这款GoogleChrome扩展可以过滤任何类型的弹出窗口和广告。让你关注于你想获取的信息本身。

9.For your safety , please don't bring valuable goods or large amount of cash with you . Please ignore strangers ' invitation and ads .为保证你的行程和旅途安全,外出时请勿携带贵重物品和大量现金。请别相信陌生人的邀请和非正规宣传资料的宣传。

10.Fortunately, people began to reflect on the beginning of the return of real estate ads also appeared in a more distinct Chinese style.可喜的是,有识之士开始反省,开始了回归,房地产广告也出现了一股越来越鲜明的中式风格。