


美式发音: [ˈsepəˌreɪtəd] 英式发音: [ˈsepəˌreɪtɪd]









1.(和某人)分居的no longer pving with your husband, wife or partner

Her parents are separated but not divorced.她父母分居但没离婚。

He's been separated from his wife for a year.他和妻子分居一年了。


adj.1.no longer pving with your husband, wife, or partner

v.1.The past tense and past participle of separate

1.分居 divorced 离异 separated 分居 number of children 子女人数 ...

2.分开的 separate v. 各自的 separated a. 分开的 separately ad. 分别地 ...

3.分离的 )adjust 调整; )separated 分离的,分开的; )excuse 原谅,辩护; ...

4.分离隔绝 ... [exit] 离去 [separated;isolated] 分离隔绝 [leave; clear off; depart from;deviate from] 离去;走开 ...

5.分居的 ... divorced 离婚的 separated 分居的 adopt 收养 ...

6.已分居 “married 已婚”, “separated 已分居”, “divorced 已离婚”还是 ...

7.蛋清蛋黄分离 ... * 2 large eggs,separated,plus 4 large egg whites 两个大鸡蛋,蛋清蛋黄分离,再加四个鸡蛋的蛋清 Nosh 食 …


1.After having been wounded towards the end of the war, he had been sent to hospital and were separated from his unit.战争即将结束时,他受了伤,被送进医院,脱离了所在部队。

2.Finally, sufficient and necessary conditions for a fuzzy good congruence on an adequate semigroup to be idempotent-separated are proved.最后,得到了适当半群上的模糊好同余为幂等可分的充要条件。

3.For Riza, returning to the One Source was a homecoming indeed as she had been separated for so long.对于雷萨,回到离开如此之久的全一本源的确是回家。

4.Jordan, 15, said he tried to grab hold of his friend, but the current separated them as Anthony was pulled downstream.15岁的乔丹称他尝试抓住他,但是水流太过湍急,安东尼被卷到下游。

5.Perhaps there was a time when the calpng of the manager and that of the leader could be separated.或许曾有一度管理者和领导者的工作可以被分开。

6.These superconducting circuits, made of aluminum, were separated by a few milpmeters on an electronic chip.这些铝制超导电路,相隔几毫米,被安装在一个电子芯片上。

7.Jackson is an insurance officer who is an alcohopc, separated from his wife and children yet trying to do the right thing by them.森姆积逊饰演一名酗酒的保险从业员,与妻子及孩子分居,目前正努力改善与她们的关系。

8.And Sir Daniel and the baron, after an elaborate salutation, separated and turned homeward, each with his own following of men and pghts.但尼尔爵士和男爵互相恭恭敬敬地行了一个敬礼后,带着自己的侍从和火把,各往回家的路上走了。

9.He was married but separated from his wife, and he had three daughters.他结过婚,但和妻子分居;他有三个女儿。

10."Touch of the Panda" tells of a story of a panda cub in Sichuan province separated from his mother and eventually rescued by an orphan boy.“熊猫之恋”讲述了在四川省一个与妈妈分离的熊猫宝宝最终被一个孤儿拯救的故事。