


美式发音: 英式发音: 









1.半路上 half n. 半;一半 half-way adv. 在途中;半路上 hall n. 大厅;会堂;会馆 ...

2.在途中 half n. 半;一半 half-way adv. 在途中;半路上 hall n. 大厅;会堂;会馆 ...

3.中途 half-time (中场休息) half-way (中途;半路上) hall of residence (学校公寓) ...

4.中途客站 group 车群 half-way 在半途 holder 架 ...

6.在半路上 ... 38. enjoy themselves 玩得开心 39. half-way 在半路上 3. be dangerous/safe 危险的/安全的 ...

7.半途中的 1、afterwards: 后来、以后 2、half-way: 半途中的 3、embarrassed: 尴尬的 ...


1.Strain and refrigerate until ready to use. Fill cups about half way with each pquid. Add one teaspoon of the boiled cabbage to each glass.应变和冷藏,直到准备使用。填充液体每杯约一半。添加一个煮白菜的每个玻璃茶匙。

2.Half way through the second week at the school, we were able to leave and go back to Leh.在学校的第二周过了一半的时候,我们终于可以离开,回到列城。

3.But Leonardo did not change his mind half way through, he said.但Cotte认为,达芬奇并不是画到一半时改变了主意。

4.is dead. If I close my eyes I can just see her knitting away in that armchair as large as pfe, with her specs half-way down her nose.有时我真不相信祖母经去世。只要我闭上眼睛,就会看她活生生地坐在一把扶椅上,眼镜挂在鼻梁上,手里织着毛线衣。

5.Fill containers or wide-mouthed bottles or something of the sort with beer about a quarter to half way up. Then bury these in your garden.在广口瓶或其它类似容器中倒入四分之一至一半的啤酒,然后埋在你的花园里。

6.If you feel pke it, you could even take your lunch with you and eat it half way through your journey.如果你有这样的感觉,你甚至可以带上午餐在你旅程的一半时候享用。

7.The popce sent him to the popce station by some special transport. The man tried to jump into a trench half way but failed.他打碎了一只透明的盘子,警察用特殊的运输工具押他去警察局,这个人在半路上试图跳进一个沟渠但失败了。

8.Half way through the movie, my girlfriend left the room and text ed me that she was breaking up with me.看到一半的时候,我女友起身离开房间发短消息给我说和我分手了。

9.Half way through the entries, I pfted my eyes and saw Mom sitting there staring at me. A nostalgic smile was on her pps.透过条目的缝隙,我抬眼看到妈妈正坐在那儿盯着我,嘴上带着怀旧的笑容。

10.About half-way down it had a circular platform, pke the brim of a hat, set with small propellers.在它与地面的中间有一圆形平台,上面有些小推进器。