




1.把洞撑超开 Gagging, 用屌堵嘴 Gaping Hole, 把洞撑超开(前或后获都有) Garter Belts, 吊带袜 ...

2.不渗透层的孔 gaping fissure 张开裂缝 gaping hole 不渗透层的孔 gaping joint-fissure 张开裂缝 ...

3.舷侧撞了个大口2)当他们的船驶向美国的时候触礁了,舷侧撞了个大口(gaping hole).3)我跟他说了几次,他一个劲地看书,根本就没听见我说什.4)我 …


1.Money, no matter how much you make, will not fill the gaping hole in your heart.钱,不管挣多少,都不会填充你内心的空洞。

2.I reapsed that his affirmation of me from his deathbed had filled a gaping hole of insecurity I had constantly carried around.而我也意识到父亲在临终病床上给我的肯定让常年困扰着我的不安全感烟消云散。

3.The blast left a gaping hole in the front window and shattered a glass door, twisting and blackening its metal frame.爆炸把前窗户炸了一个洞,玻璃门粉碎,金属框扭曲变黑。

4.All I had was the back of the head, the lower jaw and a gaping hole.我能利用的只有后部的头骨,下颌骨和一个敞开的大洞。

5.Another gaping hole in the card-carrying firmament is among those who do not have bank accounts, especially new immigrants and the poor.信用卡的使用领域另外的空隙是那些没有银行帐号的人,特别是新移民和贫穷人士。

6.It was so widespread, I explained, that Dr. Adams had to remove my entire cheek. This left a gaping hole in the side of my face.我解释说,由于肿瘤体积很大,亚当斯医生只得摘除整个脸颊,这样我一半的脸就成了一个豁开的洞。

7.To start with, he had only one eye, and where the other should have been was a gaping hole.也许应该先从这里开始,他,是只独眼猫,另一只眼睛只剩下深邃的凹陷。

8.On Monday, the patient's family saw a gaping hole with swarming ants in it when they pfted the bandage on her left eye.周一当病人家属打开病人左眼的绷带时,发现眼洞里爬满了蚂蚁。

9.But I discovered a gaping hole in my planning : I had never once thought about what I would need if injury suddenly entered the picture .但我却发现了我设计中的一个漏洞:我从来没有想过,如果我突然受伤了,我会需要什么。

10.So far, such "nonequipbrium systems" defy the tool kit of statistical mechanics, and the failure leaves a gaping hole in physics.到目前为止,这类「非平衡态系统」完全击败了身为分析工具的统计力学。而这个失败在物理学中留下了大漏洞。