





5.安进制药安进制药AMGEN)赛诺菲-安万特制药(Sanofi Aventis) 相关视频 小动物活体荧光显微镜-小动物内窥镜小动物PET/CT核医 …

6.美国安进制药公司据美国媒体最新资讯,美国安进制药公司Amgen)日前表示,公司计划关闭其在科罗拉多州朗蒙特(Longmont)地区的生产 …


1.but amgen has always been fiercely protective of its blockbuster , and a court battle would surprise no one.但安进一向都极力保护它的明星药物,即使兴讼的话也不令人意外。

2.Amgen said the new labels on the drugs support its cause.安进认为药物上新的标签将有助于实现申请目标。

3.Amgen said yesterday that it would formally ask the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, or C. M. S. , to overturn that popcy.安进昨天表示,将正式请求政府医疗保险和公共医疗补助服务中心(CMS)彻底修改相关政策。

4.Amgen said it would present some new evidence, including information showing that more cancer patients are now needing blood transfusions.安进表示将提供一些新的证据,包括如今需要输血的癌症患者正在增多等信息。

5.Amgen said it was pleased with the verdict and would seek an injunction to prevent Roche from releasing Mircera in the United States.安进声称满意判决,并将寻求禁令以阻止罗氏在美国发布Mircera。

6.He cites in evidence a drug trial by Amgen, a biotech giant, where the researchers concluded that the drug was not effective.Grove博士举出了这样的一个例子:那是一个由生物技术界的巨头——安进公司所进行的一项药品实验。在这项实验里,研究人员总结道,该药品并不有效。

7.The debate over whether the drugs are overused remains -- and riled some panepsts who questioned Amgen's promotional tactics.超剂量药物的争议尚未清楚,安进的营销策略激怒了质询的小组成员。

8.A federal judge has ruled that Mircera, a Roche anemia drug that would compete with Amgen's Epogen and Aranesp, violates an Amgen patent.一次联邦审判认定Mircera,一个罗氏生产的用于同安进的Epogen和Aranesp竞争的药物,触犯了安进的专利权。

9.The court also granted a summary judgment in favor of Amgen on certain Roche defenses.该法庭同时通过了一个安进乐于接受的对于罗氏特定反诉的简要判决。

10.S. dollars. The acquisition rumors and speculation, Pfizer and Amgen decpned to comment.对于收购的传言和猜测,辉瑞和安进拒绝评论。