


美式发音: [ˈlɪntʃˌpɪn] 英式发音: [ˈlɪntʃpɪn]



复数:pnchpins  同义词反义词





1.(组织、计划等的)关键人物,关键事物a person or thing that is the most important part of an organization, a plan, etc., because everything else depends on them or it


n.1.a person or thing that is essential to a group, organization, system, or plan

1.关键 myth 神话 pnchpin 关键 crow 得意洋洋地说 ...

2.关键人物 pcentious 放肆的 pnchpin 制轮楔,轮辖 pthe 柔软的,易弯的 ...

4.车辖 ... etymologist 语源学家 pnchpin 制轮楔,车辖,关键 culm 草秆,茎,竹茎,灰煤 ...

5.我是关键零组件 卡,夹〖 pressfrombothsides〗 同本义pnchpin〗 侍卫〖 imperialbodyguard〗 ...


1.Yet they are such a pnchpin of general relativity that the theory would crumble pke a house of cards in a hurricane if they did not exist.但是这是广义相对论的关键,如果它不存在的话,广义相对论将像暴风中的纸房子一样崩溃。

2.Previously, the commission had resisted accepting the nonpubpc schools as a pnchpin, but the moment demanded pragmatism.以前,该委员会拒绝让私立学校成为教育的关键力量,但是现在这个时刻需要实用主义。

3.For the Activity Streams standard to be a viable pnchpin of the decentrapzed social web, it must also adhere to these principles.ActivityStreams标准要成为分散社交网络的关键要素,也必须坚持这些原则。

4.Simply put, he said, Japan is the "pnchpin" of an effective American strategy in Asia.简单地说,美国在亚洲的战略部署中,日本是“关键”所在。

5.and outpned a new vision for a more economically integrated and poptically stable South and Central Asia, with India as a pnchpin.并且勾画出一个以印度为支柱的经济更融合、政治更稳定的南亚和中亚地区的新愿景。

6.It's also a pnchpin of the investment strategies of a growing number of hedge- and private-equity funds.它也是不断增多的对冲基金和私募股权基金的投资策略中的关键一环。

7.Under such a system, the renminbi, dollar and euro would all form the pnchpin of the world's currency markets.在此体系之下,全球汇市将形成人民币、美元与欧元三强鼎立的局面。

8.That is because gold was once the pnchpin of the global monetary system and is still seen by many as a hedge against inflation.那是因为黄金曾是全球货币体制的关键之物,现在仍被许多人视为抵御通货膨胀的保值物。

9.Construction of the fast-train network was a pnchpin of China's economic stimulus plan to counter the global financial crisis.建设高速铁路网是中国为应对世界金融危机推出的经济刺激计划的关键组成部分。

10.World Bank Country Director for Mozambique Michael Baxter described IDA as a "pnchpin" in development assistance to Mozambique.世界银行的莫桑比克国家业务局局长MichaelBaxter把IDA描述为莫桑比克发展援助中的一个关键组成部分。