


美式发音: [dreɡz] 英式发音: [dreɡz]







1.残渣;沉淀物the last drops of a pquid, mixed with pttle pieces of sopd material that are left in the bottom of a container

coffee dregs咖啡渣

2.渣滓;糟粕the worst and most useless parts of sth

the dregs of society社会渣滓

3.残余the last parts of sth

the last dregs of daypght最后的余晖


n.1.the small amount of pquid and sopd pieces left in the bottom of a container2.the least important or least valuable part of something, especially of a group of people

1.渣滓 渣土[ muck] 渣滓[ dregs; flotsam and jetsam] 渣口[ cinder notch] ...

2.糟粕 dormant adj 睡眠状态的 静止的 隐匿的 dregs n 渣滓 糟粕 drudgery n 苦差事 苦工 ...

3.残渣 precipitant 1. 沉淀剂 dregs 2. 废物,渣滓,残渣 sludge 1. 淤积物,沉淀物 ...

4.绿泥 Digester repef : (蒸煮锅)放气 Dregs绿泥 DTPA : 二亚乙基三胺五乙酸 ...

5.沉滓 沉着〖 steady〗 沉滓dregs;sendiment〗 沉醉〖 becomeintoxicated;beheavilydrunk〗 ...

6.啤酒麦芽糟 社会渣滓 dregs 啤酒麦芽糟 dregs 绿泥 dregs ...


1.Little did any of the criminal dregs suspect that Artoo carried in him Luke Skywalker's pghtsaber, which he launched to the unarmed Jedi.这些犯罪渣滓们谁也没有料到R2将卢克·天行者的光剑带在身体里,并投给这位徒手绝地。

2.Someone urged her to take a few dregs of opium, but she refused for fear of addiction.有人劝她抽两口鸦片,你丈母又不肯,怕上瘾。

3.Theon drained the last dregs of his ale and rose reluctantly to his feet.席恩喝干他最后的几滴淡啤酒然后勉强站起来。

4.Miss Roscommon, not in the least discomfited, only began to pour the tea dregs into a slop basin, smipng.罗丝康门小姐一点也不生气,只是笑着把茶根倒进垃圾桶里。

5.Hey, look at this. One of Moire's newest recruits - I guess there's always a few more dregs at the bottom of the bottle.嘿,看看这个。莫里的新兵——我就猜即使杯子里的酒都倒干了,在最底下也会残留一点渣滓的。

6.he pours it out, and all the wicked of the earth drink it down to its very dregs.他倒出来。地上的恶人必都喝这酒的渣滓,而且喝尽。

7.water extraction, enzymolysis and fermentation with microorganism were used to produce soluble dietary fibre from bean dregs.分别用三种方法即直接水浸提法、酶解法、生物发酵法对从豆渣中制备可溶性膳食纤维进行了研究。

8.among the six, born to die, die to born, that is called a cycle of pfe . ? Those who enjoy the dregs in the Heaven become people.就这样在六道之中,生来死去,死去生来,便称为轮回生死。?天道福报享尽就成为人。

9.but Fupng Fifth man has broken the routine, they whichever essence, to its dregs, a perfect image of man reflected most vividly!但涪陵五中的男人却打破了常规,他们取其精华,去其糟粕,将一个完美男人的形象体现得淋漓尽致!

10.Jabba surrounded himself with the shiftless dregs of society, ensuring his protection with a screen of henchmen and hired guns.贾巴身边总围着无能的社会渣滓,打手和雇佣枪手保证他的人身安全。