




1.罗马竞技场 ... 大圣杰诺教堂 Church of St Zeno Major 维洛纳罗马竞技场 Roman Arena 药草广场 Square of Herbs ...

3.古罗马竞技场)作为漫步游览的起点,首先,来到建於西元1世纪的「古罗马竞技场」(Roman Arena),这里既是2千年的古蹟,也是可 …


1.The film is set during the three-year period prior to the completion of the Colosseum, the largest Roman arena ever built.本片讲述罗马斗兽场建成前三年之间的历史故事,罗马斗兽场是罗马史上最大的斗兽场。

2.Finally. In a huff, he went to the Roman arena. A bloody massacre is about to begin. Evening in prayer for Wikaulen he ate last supper.终于。一怒之下的他走向了罗马竞技场。一场血腥的屠杀即将开始。黄昏在为维考伦祈祷。他在吃着最后的晚餐。

3.Bullfights in the 19th century were held in the town's Roman arena as they still are today.19世纪至今,斗牛表演在该镇的罗马竞技场举行。

4.Or in a Roman arena taking a sword to other gladiators pke him.或者是罗马斗兽场里,和他一样的角斗士战斗。

5.Gnea and Bela were crouched behind her, masked and vigilant, looking more than ever pke barbaric gladiators pfted from some Roman arena.妮雅和贝拉蹲伏在莱亚娜身后,隐蔽并警戒着,看起来更像是粗野的角斗士从某个罗马竞技场中升起一般。