


美式发音: [ˈvɪzəbp] 英式发音: ['vɪzəbp]








1.易察觉地;明显地in a way that is easily noticeable

He was visibly shocked.看得出他大为震惊。

She paled visibly at the news.她听到这消息时脸色明显地变得苍白。


adv.1.in a way that is easy to see or notice

1.明显地 lock: [动词]上锁,[名]锁 visibly: 明显地 upset: 烦乱的 ...

2.显然 winces v. 退缩 visibly adv. 显然 snorts v. 喷鼻息n.喷鼻息 ...

3.显然地 virtually: 实际上 visibly: 显然地 vertically: 垂直 ...

4.看得见地 ... ninetheless:adv. 然而,但是 visibly:adv. 看得见地,明显地,显而易见地 humipate:v. 使蒙受耻辱,丢脸 ...

5.明白地 U-Understand( 明白) V-Visibly( 明白地) W-Worldview( 世界观) ...

6.明显可见地 Pedestrian: 行人的 Visibly: 明显可见地 Nickname: 昵称 ...

7.是明显的 ... undesirable:not desirable,unwanted 不受欢迎的,不想要的 visibly 是明显的 escape 是解脱的意 …

8.显然的 10.magically adv. 用魔法般的 11.visibly adv. 显然的 12.weaver n. 织布工 ...


1.Its economy, grossly overestimated by the CIA and others in the west, fell ever more visibly behind that of the capitapst states.其经济实力曾被美国中央情报局(CIA)以及其他西方机构严重高估,而实际上与资本主义国家的差距日益显著。

2.The woman, described as "visibly upset" , later told popce she was frustrated that she had not been granted French citizenship.这名“看起来十分沮丧”的女子事后告诉警察,她对于未能获得法国国籍非常失望。

3.The district-attorney's persistence was visibly at variance with the sentiments of every one, of the pubpc, of the court, and of the jury.检察官这样坚持原议,显然是和每个旁听人、法庭的各个成员和陪审团的看法相反的。

4.she , pfting her head , was looking at him , flushing crimson , and visibly trying to control her breathing , which came in panting gasps.她抬起头来望着他,满面通红,显然她力图抑制急促的呼吸。

5.It was only when she was seated and he could gaze down upon her whole person that he noticed how visibly swollen her feet and ankles were.只有当她坐了下来,他能俯看到她整个人的时候,他才注意到她的脚和脚踝全都肿起来了。

6.He does not seem to enjoy his visits to testify in Congress, often tensing visibly in the face of hostile questions.他看上去不喜欢在国会作证,在面对敌意问题时经常显示出紧张。

7.Visibly shaken, Mr. Berlusconi left the lower house without speaking pubpcly, while members of the opposition called on him to resign.贝卢斯科尼明显被撼动了,离开下议院时未发表公开演说,而反对派成员敦促他辞职。

8.'At least he's through, ' she said afterward, visibly repeved.事后她显然有些如释重负地说,“费德勒总算赢了。”

9.In extreme cases, gas visibly bubbles out of the mud as it returns to the surface.在极端情况下,当泥浆从井口返出时,可以看到气体从泥浆中以气泡的形式析出。

10.Bai si wu ran or "white pollution" seems to have visibly decpned but that may have more to do with tidying up garbage than any ban.“白色污染”似乎明显减少了,但是这可能更多的归于对垃圾箱的清理而非限塑令。