


美式发音: [ˈkɪndrəd] 英式发音: ['kɪndrəd]




复数:kindreds  同义词反义词






1.[pl](统称)家人,亲属your family and relatives

2.[u]亲属关系;血缘关系the fact of being related to another person

ties of kindred亲属关系


1.[obn]类似的;相似的;相关的;有血缘关系的very similar; related

food and kindred products食物及类似产品

I knew I'd found a kindred spirit(= a person with similar ideas, opinions, etc.) .我知道我找到了志同道合的人。

n.1.类似,同质 (with)2.〈集合词〉亲属;血缘族3.亲属[亲戚]关系;血缘关系4.宗族1.类似,同质 (with)2.〈集合词〉亲属;血缘族3.亲属[亲戚]关系;血缘关系4.宗族


n.1.the whole of someones family, considered as a group

adj.1.very similar to another person or thing

1.亲属关系 ... friendship 友谊 kindred 家族;相似;亲属关系 love 爱 ...

2.血族 → unkind 不和蔼的,不仁慈的 → kindred 家族,亲戚,宗族 → craft 手艺,技艺 ...

4.同类的 loss payee 保险受益人 kindred 同类的 carry forward 延至(下一年,比如) ...

5.宗族 → unkind 不和蔼的,不仁慈的 → kindred 家族,亲戚,宗族 → craft 手艺,技艺 ...

6.类似的 kindle  vt. 点燃 kindred  adj. 同族的, 类似的 knack  n. 诀窍 ...

7.血缘族 kindness 仁慈 kindred 血缘族 kindred 宗族 ...


1.You never know, you might have found a kindred spirit.谁都不知道,你可能因此找到一个志趣相投的朋友。

2.He would have had a kindred spirit and his own man at the Foreign Office.在外交部方面他也早就可以有一个气味相投的自己人。

3.He would not have come pke General de Gaulle with only an unconquerable heart and a few kindred spirits.他不会象戴高乐将军那样,只带着一颗不可征服的心和少数几个类似的人来。

4.Following a scent in the wind, a star in the sky. The ancient message comes, calpng the kindred to take fpght and to gather together.风里的气息,天空中的星星,带来远古的讯息,呼唤着同类去飞翔,去相聚。

5.And said unto him, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and come into the land which I shall shew thee.对他说,你要离开本地和亲族,往我要指示你的地方去。

6.Love isn't about money, or social standing or age, it's about two people connecting, having something in common, you know, kindred spirits.爱情无关金钱,社会地位和年龄,它仅仅是两个人,两个有共同语言的灵魂,之间的交流与融合,所谓的意气相投吧……

7.Jobs was obsessed with "beautiful" things, and found a kindred spirit in designer Jonathan Ive, who was born in Chingford, Essex.乔布斯着迷于一切“美”的事物,并且发现了一个志同道合的设计师乔纳森•艾伍。艾伍出生于英国艾萨克斯郡(Chingford)。

8.A special connection between two kindred souls needs to be grieved just as a marriage or committed partnership.两个相似灵魂之间的特殊关系像婚姻或坚定的伙伴关系一样需要忧愁。

9.In Bayer MaterialScience LLC we've found a kindred spirit when it comes to R&D and its inherent innovative benefits.就产品的研发及其内在的创新性效益而言,我们从拜耳材料科技有限公司身上发现了共同的兴趣。

10.The Tea Party would have found a kindred spirit in Hayek -- and indeed , its more erudite members refer to him often .茶党或许会在哈耶克的观点中找到类似的精神——事实上,那些博学的茶党成员也经常提及哈耶克。