




1.施 ... SE 畲 SZE SEI 四 ...

2.司 芮- -Nei S - -Sze 桑- -Sang ...

3.诗 valyn 伦敦, 家乡槟城 •·. SzE .·• Rice Bowl Tales 有碗话碗 ...

4.思 随:翠( ceoi4) sze 念 pm ...

5.施史司 ... Poon/Pun 潘 See/Sze 施史司 Shing/Sing 成 ...

6.苏州爱普生有限公司苏州佳世达最新招工包吃住男女不限 苏州爱普生有限公司SZE)是日本精工 三星集团(苏州)招实习生储备干部=底薪2700 !



1.He was accused of steapng the pictures while Chen's computer was being repaired at Epte Multimedia Limited, where Sze was an employee.他被指控在陈冠希的电脑在精英多媒体有限公司修复时,偷窃照片。史当时是一名雇员。

2.Sze said she was saved by a social worker who stepped in on her behalf.Sze说她被一位为她辩护的社会工作者所拯救。

3.I found the content is pretty interesting : Raining day, boring people will have be in Old Town for a glass of Sze-mut tea.里面的内容我觉得很有趣:下雨天,无聊的人总会到OldTown喝一杯丝袜奶茶。

4."Our interviews with seed providers and farmers indicate that GM rice seeds have been sold for the past two years, " Sze told SciDev. Net.“我们对种子供应商和农民进行了采访,采访表明转基因水稻种子已出售了两年。”施鹏翔告诉本网站记者。

5.Sze times during the festive season, I want to say, no matter where Iwas, whether Iam in where my heart is with you forever!每逢佳节倍思亲,我想说,无论我身在何处,无论我人在何方,我的心永远以及你们在一起!

6.Second, the necessity of a recompilation of the original research subjects-Selected Poems of Sze-Kwang.原研究对象-《思光诗选》重编的必要。

7.Sze also worried about the safety of his family. Tang said Sze felt remorse and guilt over bringing difficulties to his family.史还担心他的家人的安全。律师说,史感到懊悔和愧疚,因为带给他家人麻烦。

8.Protesters' chants drowned out comments to reporters by the outgoing Exco convenor, Dr Chung Sze-yuen, yesterday.行将退休的行政会议召集人钟士元,昨日对记者的讲话,被示威者的声浪掩盖。

9.Sze showed the photos to two female staff at a household store and burnt a compact disc containing 1, 300 sex images for one of them.史向两名家居商店的女工作人员展示照片,并为其中一人烧录了包含1300张色情图片的光碟。

10.Sze Tsung Leong is an American and British photographer, born Mexico City 1970. He currently pves and works in New York.梁思聪是一位拥有美国和英国国籍的摄影师,他1970年生于墨西哥城,现居纽约。