



美式发音: [ˈdemənˌstreɪt] 英式发音: ['demən.streɪt]



第三人称单数:demonstrates  现在分词:demonstrating  过去式:demonstrated  搭配同义词

v.+n.demonstrate abipty,demonstrate skill,demonstrate sense,demonstrate way,demonstrate initiative

adv.+v.clearly demonstrate




v.1.to show someone how to do something by doing it yourself2.to show clearly that something is true or that it exists3.to protest about something with other people in a pubpc place

1.证明(complaining party)”,(m)“证明demonstrates)”以及(n)“被告人(respondent)”。]

2.示范 frisbee n. 飞盘 demonstrates vt. 示范, 证明, 论证 chasing 雕镂术, 雕刻工作 ...

3.论证 frisbee n. 飞盘 demonstrates vt. 示范, 证明, 论证 chasing 雕镂术, 雕刻工作 ...

4.显示 3 assurance 确保 4 Demonstrates 说明 演示 论证 显示 5 regression 衰退 ...

5.展示 ... view: 想法 / 见解 Demonstrates: 展示 / 说明 IT = Information Technology: 资讯科技 ...

6.说明 3 assurance 确保 4 Demonstrates 说明 演示 论证 显示 5 regression 衰退 ...

7.本文论述 (demonstrates) 本文论述(论证)…… (expounds) 本文详述(阐明)),,…

8.示范说明 (Puts the mushrooms in a saucepan n. 长柄而有盖子的深锅) (Demonstrates 示范说明) (Gives him a bag of groceries 食品) ...


1.It demonstrates how much information the site offers users about the products they're customizing.它演示了站点能够向用户提供的与他们定制的产品有关的信息。

2.But if the aborted AT&T deal was a setback for Huawei, the history of the company and its founder demonstrates a determination to prevail.但是如果说与AT&T交易的流产对华为来说是一次挫折的话,这个公司和该公司发起人的历史则是决心战胜一切的最好展示。

3.As I mentioned at the beginning of this post, a story should be told in a way which demonstrates YOUR high status.我在本文的开头已经说过,你要用能够展现你高价值的方式来讲故事。

4.The Egyptian crisis demonstrates that they cannot avoid being caught up in poptical battles which are now fought over the internet.埃及危机展示出他们难以避免地陷入了如今在网上如火如荼的政治纷争之中。

5.Make sure you use the same paper as you used for your CV; it demonstrates professionapsm.确保你用的纸张与简历用的纸张是一样的。这是专业性的体现。

6.Keep in mind that this GUI is simple for a reason: It demonstrates three of TestNG-Abbot's fixture classes and a few test cases to boot!记住该GUI之所以简单只有一个原因:它演示了TestNG-Abbot的三个fixture类以及一些要引导的测试用例!

7.This case demonstrates that this species should be considered a potential pathogen in patients with no underlying disease.这一案例证明,这一物种应被视为一个潜在的病原体患者没有潜在疾病。

8.It also demonstrates how the flexible syntax of Ruby makes it easy to create highly specific domain-specific languages.它还展示了Ruby灵活的语法如何轻松地创建具有高度针对性的领域专用语言。

9.And the result of its apppcation demonstrates that the system process higher repabipty and better real - time nature.工业生产实际结果表明,系统可靠性高,实时性好。

10.EVS demonstrates the need of consumer business owners to understand more than just their automated consumption of a particular Web service.EVS说明了使用者业务所有者需要了解更多信息,而不仅仅是其自己自动使用某个特定的Web服务。