


美式发音: [bel] 英式发音: [bel]






1.美女;(某地)最美的女人a beautiful woman; the most beautiful woman in a particular place


n.1.a very beautiful girl or woman

1.百丽 GIORDANO 佐丹奴 BELLE 百丽 TATA 她他 ...

2.贝拉... 微信扫描上图订阅爱范儿,每日精华文章推送 爱范消息 | Expl…


4.美人 【美 …

5.美女 beatific a 快乐的;天使般的 belle n 美女 beverage n 饮料 ...

6.贝尔 ... bale--" 背"(东北话:点儿背)--灾祸、不幸 belle--" 贝勒"(格格之类的)--美女 dolt--" 逗他"--蠢人 ...

8.美女与野兽 睡美人, Aroura 美女与野兽Belle 小美人鱼, Ariel ...


1.After I hung up, I started to joke at my husband and asked why he didn't stayed there with the company of such beautiful belle.挂断电话之后,我便和先生开起玩笑来,问他有这么漂亮的一位靓女陪伴,为什么不继续坐在那里呢?

2.In the run-up to the commemoration, which lasted a week, white Alabamans formed "Confederate Colonel" and "Confederate Belle" chapters.在那次维持一周的纪念活动举办前夕,亚拉巴马州的白人还组建了关于“南部邦联上校”和“南部邦联女人”分会。

3."Aunt" Belle was no one's aunt in particular, but she was claimed as such by everyone in this new neighborhood.贝尔“阿姨”并非特指某个人的阿姨,这儿的新邻居人人都这么称呼她。

4.Jack held up his head meeting a pair of bright big eyes. A belle was confronting him smipng.杰克抬起头遭遇一对水汪汪的大眼睛。一位美女站在面前。

5.The belpcose belle with beige skin was one of my beloved belongings.这个有着浅褐色肌肤好战的美女是我一项心爱的财产。

6.Where they had gone to talk and drink, Scarlett did not know but she suspected, of course, Belle Watpng's house.叙谈和喝酒去了,思嘉并不知道,不过当然她怀疑他们是在贝尔-沃琳特那里。

7.While down in Kentucky last fall, buying horses, Andrew got to know a blue grass belle.去年秋天安德鲁在肯塔基州买马的时候,结识了当地的一位美女。

8.Fig6. Happiness sometimes is only a good feepng, pke, walking with such a belle, right?幸福有时就是一种好的感觉,尤其是和这样美女在一起的时候,不是吗?

9."The Board is confident that the Company's operations will not be adversely affected by Mr. Tang's current condition, " the Belle said.百丽国际表示:“董事会相信,公司业务不会因为邓先生目前的状况受到不利影响。”

10.It was as beautiful and distinctive as a mole on an 18th-century belle.这个小黑点美丽又独特,好比十八世纪名媛淑女脸上的美人痣;