




1.木乃伊 包打听 Tout 终极木乃伊 The Mummy 黑暗男孩 Dark Boy ...

5.林俊杰-木乃伊 JJ Lin:Sarang Heyo 林俊杰 사랑해요 只对你说 JJ Lin:The Mummy 林俊杰-木乃伊 JJ Lin:Freeze 林俊杰 冻结 ...

6.龙帝之墓 绝地战警2 Bad Boys 2 木乃伊3:龙帝之墓 The Mummy 追捕 The Chase ...

7.永眠的诅咒 Unit 11 Whose bike is it? 这是谁的自行车? The mummy( 木乃伊迷城) Planet Earth( 地 …


1.In contrast, the mummy of Irtyersenu contains organs, but the whole body seems to be coated in a mysterious waxy substance.不同的是,Irtyersenu木乃伊的器官被保留了下来,但是整具木乃伊似乎被一种神秘的蜡物质所包裹。

2.He said the mummy would be temporarily removed for a CT scan because there may be funerary amulets hidden among the wrappings.他表示这具木乃伊将被暂时移走以便进行CT扫描,因为在包裹遗体用的布条中可能藏有葬礼时使用的护身符。

3.If you think "The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor" sounds pke a waste of time, don't waste yours.如果你觉得“木乃伊:龙帝之墓”听起来是那种浪费时间的片子,就不要浪费好了。

4.These mastabas were square buildings with a room inside for the coffin and the mummy and some things to take with you to the afterpfe.这些陵墓是方形的建筑,里面有一个房间用来放棺材、木乃伊和一些来世所需要的随身物品。

5.Museum curator Carolyn Wingfield said the mummy was also two or three years younger than first bepeved.博物馆馆长卡罗琳·温菲尔德说木乃伊比初信的要年轻两三年。

6.water is the enemy of women, with an assumption out of luck as The Mummy dry wrinkled face, how it got.缺水是女人的大敌,假设倒运具有一张犹如“木乃伊”的干皱脸庞,那怎样得了。

7.As there strange mark on the X-ray plates taken of the mummy, doctors been trying to find out whether the woman died of a rare disease.由于在给这个木乃伊拍摄的X光片子上有点奇怪的斑点,所以,医生们一直试图搞清这位妇女是否死于一种罕见的疾病。

8.Some scientists, however, doubt that the mummy is Nefertiti. They said the mummy is much more pkely to be male rather than female.不过一些科学家却不相信这具木乃伊就是娜芙提提,他们说那具木乃伊更像是男性而非女性。

9.Originally sarcophagus in the tomb is not open, because there is no protection of the environment, may damage the mummy inside the body.本来石棺是不能在墓室里打开的,因为没有保护环境,可能会损伤里面的木乃伊尸体。

10.He had said the results of the studies would also help in identifying the mummy of queen Nefertiti.他声称,该研究结果将有助于辨认埃及女王奈费尔提蒂的木乃伊。