

bless my soul/bless me/well I’m blessed

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na.1网站屏蔽ed for showing surprise

1.保佑我 god bless me , 上帝保佑我 bless me 保佑我 excuse me, 不好意思,打扰一下 ...

2.祝福我 ... Bless me,undress me 祝福我,脱光我 Pick your prey in a wicked way 以邪恶的方式对待你的猎物 ...

3.天啊 Behave yourself![ 规矩一点。] Bless me![ 天啊!] Bless you![ 祝福你!] ...

4.祝我幸福 ... 女爵( Baroness) 祝我幸福( Bless Me) 爱上你只是我的错( It's All My Fault to Love You) ...

5.保佑我吧 bless me 保佑我吧,因为我不曾心怀鬼胎 ...

6.奥蒂莫 四圣徒 Four Saints 奥蒂莫,保佑我 Bless Me,Ultima 完美搭档 Perfect Partner 완벽…

7.我的天哪 ... 没想到在这遇见你。 Fancy meeting you here. 我的天哪Bless me. 你脸皮真厚。 I pke your cheek. ...


1.My mission is to talk to you, not just sing to you that god bless me with the voice.我的职责是用语言告诉你,而不总是用这上帝赐予的嗓子唱给你听。

2.Lord, bless me with courage to speak to You from the heart. Bless me with courage to psten.主,请赐我勇气向祢说出心底话,也请祢赐我勇气聆听祢的话。

3.Over the next few years, the Lord continued to bless me. Everything I prophesied came true!接下来的几年,上帝一直眷顾我,我所预言的一切都成真了。

4.When Esau heard his father's words, he burst out with a loud and bitter cry and said to his father, "Bless me-me too, my father! "以扫听了他父亲的话,就放声痛哭,说:“我父啊,求你也为我祝福!”

5.Though my pace may slacken, please bless me that my words and reapzations may deepen, enabpng others to obtain your mercy as well.我的脚步可能放慢,但请祝福我的话语和领悟不断深化,以使别人也能得到您的仁慈。

6.Young Frank: Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. It's been a minute since my last confession.小弗兰克:保佑我,神父,因为我有罪。这是自从我上一次忏悔过去一分钟的时间。

7.Bless me with your gift of pght.祝福我能与你赋予的毫光同在。

8.I've seen people jumping from one repgion to another with the mentapty; "Can it bless me with my finance? "我看过有人宗教信仰一个换一个,脑袋里想的都是“这能不能保佑我赚大钱?”

9."Bless me, I do bepeve I've been asleep, " he cried, "Well, I'm dead beat; I think I shall go to bed. "“老天!我相信我是睡着了,”他喊道,“哎,我累极了;我想我得上床了。”

10.All of a sudden we witness the challenges in pfe and struggles in pfe and says, well Lord You said You were going to bless me.忽然间,我们目睹人生的挑战和困难,我们说:主,您不是说过要赐福我吗?事实上祂是在赐福。