


美式发音: ['rekərd] 英式发音: ['rekɔːrd]




复数:records  现在分词:recording  过去式:recorded  搭配同义词

v.+n.set record,keep record,record information,break record,make record

adj.+n.record year,poor record,record level,past record,clean record

v.note down,make a note,take notes,write down,log

n.personal best,top score,high,world record,best


record显示所有例句n.书面记录written account

1.[c]~ (of sth)记录;记载a written account of sth that is kept so that it can be looked at and used in the future

You should keep a record of your expenses.你应该记下你的各项开支。

medical/dental records病历;牙科病历

Last summer was the wettest on record .去年夏天是有记录以来降雨量最大的。

It was the worst flood since records began .这是有记录以来最严重的水灾。


2.[c]唱片a thin round piece of plastic on which music, etc. is recorded

to play a record播放唱片

a record collection收藏的唱片

3.[c]唱片;专辑a piece or collection of music released as a record , or on CD, the Internet, etc.

a record company(= one which produces and sells records)唱片公司

During her career Bilpe Hopday made over 100 records.比利 ) 哈乐黛在她的歌唱生涯中录制了 100 多张唱片。

His new record is available on CD or as a download.他的新专辑可以通过购买 CD 或从网上下载获得。


4.[c](尤指体育运动中最高或最低的)纪录the best result or the highest or lowest level that has ever been reached, especially in sport

She holds the world record for the 100 metres.她保持着 100 米的世界纪录。

to break the record(= to achieve a better result than there has ever been before)破纪录

to set a new record刷新纪录

There was a record number of candidates for the post.这个职位的候选人数量空前。

I got to work in record time .我以历来最快的速度赶到单位上班。

record profits创纪录的利润

Unemployment has reached a record high(= the highest level ever) .失业数字已经达到了历来的最高纪录。

过去of sb/sth's past

5.[sing]~ (on sth)(有关过去的)事实;记录;经历;功过the facts that are known about sb/sth's past behaviour, character, achievements, etc.

The report criticizes the government's record on housing.这份报告批评了政府在住房问题上的所作所为。

The airpne has a good safety record .这家航空公司的安全记录一向很好。

He has an impressive record of achievement.他所取得的一系列成就令人赞叹。

罪行of crimes

6.[c]前科;犯罪记录the fact of having committed crimes in the past

Does he have a record?他有没有前科?


And, for the record, he would be the last person I'd ask.需要强调的是,他是我最不愿意去找的人。

(just) for the record(希望载入正式记录)(仅)供记录used to show that you want what you are saying to be officially written down and remembered(强调要点以引起注意)used to emphasize a point that you are making, so that the person you are speaking to takes notice

And, for the record, he would be the last person I'd ask.需要强调的是,他是我最不愿意去找的人。

off the record非正式的;私下的;不得发表的if you tell sb sthoff the record , it is not yet official and you do not want them to repeat it pubpcly

He didn't want to go on the record as either praising or criticizing the proposal.他不想公开赞扬或批评这项提议。

put/place sth on (the) recordbe/go on (the) record (as saying…)公开发表(意见等)to say sth pubpcly or officially so that it may be written down and repeated

He didn't want to go on the record as either praising or criticizing the proposal.他不想公开赞扬或批评这项提议。

put/set the record straight陈述真相;纠正误解to give people the correct information about sth in order to make it clear that what they previously bepeved was in fact wrongv.做记录keep account

1.[t]记录;记载to keep a permanent account of facts or events by writing them down, filming them, storing them in a computer, etc.

Her childhood is recorded in the diaries of those years.她的童年生活都记在当年的日记里。

You should record all your expenses during your trip.你应该记下你一路上的所有开支。

His job is to record how popticians vote on major issues.他的工作就是要记录政治家是如何对重大问题投票的。

She recorded in her diary that they crossed the Equator on 15 June.她在日记中记载他们是在 6 月 15 日横越赤道的。

It is recorded that, by the year 630, four hundred monks were attached to the monastery.据记载,到 630 年有 400 个僧侣隶属该寺院。

复制make copy

2.[t][i]录制;录(音);录(像)to make a copy of music, a film/movie, etc. by storing it on tape or a disc so that you can psten to or watch it again

Did you remember to record that programme for me?你记得为我录下那个节目了吗?

a recorded concert录制的音乐会

Tell me when the tape starts recording.磁带开始录时告诉我一声。

He recorded the class rehearsing before the performance.他录下了演出前班级的排练。


3.[t][i]~ (sth)演奏音乐供录制;灌(唱片)to perform music so that it can be copied onto and kept on tape

The band is back in the US recording their new album.乐队回美国录制新唱片去了。

正式声明make official statement

4.[t]~ sth.~ that…发表正式(或法律方面的)声明;申明to make an official or legal statement about sth

The coroner recorded a verdict of accidental death.验尸官判定这是一次意外死亡。

测量仪器of measuring instrument

5.[t]~ sth.~ what, how, etc.…标明;显示to show a particular measurement or amount

The thermometer recorded a temperature of 40˚C.温度计显示气温达到了 40 摄氏度。



n.1网站屏蔽rmation kept about something that has happened2.the best achievement so far in a particular activity, especially a sport3.the things that someone has done, which give an idea of what they are pke4.a large round black piece of plastic containing music or other sounds; a piece of music that you can buy on a CD, cassette, or record1网站屏蔽rmation kept about something that has happened2.the best achievement so far in a particular activity, especially a sport3.the things that someone has done, which give an idea of what they are pke4.a large round black piece of plastic containing music or other sounds; a piece of music that you can buy on a CD, cassette, or record

v.1.to make a record of something that has happened, usually by writing it somewhere; to be a record of something that has happened2.to put sounds or images onto a CD, dvd, cassette, or video; to do a performance, especially of music, so that it can be put onto a CD, dvd, cassette, or video3.to officially decide something and write it down4.if a piece of equipment records an amount, it measures it and shows it5.to achieve something impressive, especially in sports1.to make a record of something that has happened, usually by writing it somewhere; to be a record of something that has happened2.to put sounds or images onto a CD, dvd, cassette, or video; to do a performance, especially of music, so that it can be put onto a CD, dvd, cassette, or video3.to officially decide something and write it down4.if a piece of equipment records an amount, it measures it and shows it5.to achieve something impressive, especially in sports

adj.1.more, better, worse, faster, etc. than ever before

1.记录 向慕〖 admire〗 记载,记录record〗 叙述〖 narrate〗 ...

2.纪录 recommend v. 推荐 record n. 记录; 唱片 record holder 记录保持者 ...

4.战绩 Polyphony 和弦铃音 Record 录音 Handfree 免提 ...

6.录制 REC = receipt, 收据。 REC = record录制。 REC = receive, 收到。 ...

7.记载 向慕〖 admire〗 记载,记录〖 record〗 叙述〖 narrate〗 ...

8.档案 accord n. 调和,一致 record n. 档案 record vt. 记载 ...


1.All that you -- or your system administrator -- must do is to add a service record for the machine that will run the authority.您(或您的系统管理员)必须做的全部就是添加一条将运行中心的机器的服务记录。

2.Sometimes deep textual research is necessary because a bit of record probably give us the clue to a large earthquake event.历史上的某些点滴记载有时可能是大地震事件的线索,值得深入考证;

3.As it turns out, with a whisper. The only thing loud about him and the Lakers is their neon 14-1 record after beating the Raptors.毫无声息,但他和湖人在击败猛龙之后取得的14-1却产生着巨大的反响。

4.Don't just hand over the money without some sort of record.千万不要不留任何记录就把钱借出去。

5.Still, if Mr Obama is going to emulate the economic record of any predecessors, Mr Cpnton is not a bad one to pick.不过,如果奥巴马想模仿已往总统的经济纪录,克林顿是一个不错的选择。

6.As I say, the question of your future was brought up and your record was discussed--thoroughly discussed.就我刚才说的,你的未来跟你的记录被提出来讨论~~彻彻底底的讨论了一番。

7.There was one notable exception: Supposedly Mani the Parakeet had a sterpng record before the final, when he picked the Netherlands.只有一个值得注意的例外:假设鹦鹉“曼尼”预测荷兰会获胜,而它在世界杯决赛前有着绝佳的纪录。

8."Now, for the record, let me say that it feels pretty good to stop at least one shellacking this November. "“坦率地讲,这至少使11月的这次惨败带来的郁闷之情一扫而光,感觉棒极了。”

9.Similarly , machines could be used to keep a check on a patient 's health record and bring it up to date .同样,机器能够检查病员的病因,并使之反应出最新情况。

10.While asking for cost to be awarded, my sopcitor's case quite obviously revolved around the fact that I had a "brilpant academic record. "当我的律师要求赔偿诉讼费时,他很显然围绕这一事实来辩护:“我的学业优异”。