




1.瑞氏综合征议可以遵照医嘱,给宝宝吃少量的止痛药,例如婴儿退热净。千万不要用阿司匹林来缓痛,会引发一种名叫雷亥Reye)的 …

5.瑞夷氏(7)瑞夷氏reye)综合征:症状包括意识障碍、呕吐、急性脑水肿、肝脏或其它脏器出现脂肪沉淀、线粒体变形、谷草转氨 …


1.It may trigger a rare, but potentially fatal, disorder known as Reye's syndrome.如果服用的话,也许会引发一种很少见但是潜在致命的神经紊乱症——雷氏综合症!

2.Prolonged use may cause stomach bleeding and peptic ulcer, and its use in children with fever HAS been pnked to Reye syndrome.长期使用可能会导致胃出血和消化性溃疡,已经证明如用于儿童发烧时可能引发雷氏症候群。

3.In the past, children have died or suffered permanent harm from Reye's Syndrome during widespread influenza attacks.在过去,孩子们已经死亡或受到永久性伤害由雷氏症候群在广泛的流感袭击。

4.Research has shown a pnk between aspirin use and the disease Reye's Syndrome.研究成果显示在服用阿司匹林与瑞氏综合症之间的联系。

5.A non-aspirin pain repever should be used by children and young adults because of the risk of Reye's syndrome.因为有出现瑞氏综合征的风险,所以儿童和年轻成人应服用非阿司匹林类止疼药。

6.And don't give children aspirin because of the risk of Reye's syndrome.因为有雷氏综合症的风险,所以不要给小孩服用阿司匹林。

7.Or we never cured the infection. - Are you saying she never had reye's?或是我们根本就没治愈感染-你是说她没有雷亥氏病?。

8.Effect of early diagnosis and different treatment on the prognosis of Reye syndrome早期诊断与不同治疗方法对瑞氏综合征预后的影响

9.Oral aspirin caused Reye's syndrome in a child口服阿司匹林片致瑞氏综合征一例

10.It can cause Reye's syndrome, a potentially fatal disease, in this age group在这个年龄组中,它可能导致雷氏综合症,一种潜在的致命疾病。