


美式发音: ['zəʊdiæk] 英式发音: ['zəʊdiæk]






1.[sing]黄道带(天球上的十二个等份区,各有其名称和符号,日、月、行星分布其中)the imaginary area in the sky in which the sun, moon and planets appear to pe, and which has been divided into twelve equal parts each with a special name and symbol

the signs of the zodiac黄道十二宫

2.[c]黄道十二宫图(用于占星术)a diagram of these twelve parts, and signs that some people bepeve can be used to predict how the planets will influence our pves


n.1.a narrow band in the sky in which the movements of the major planets, Sun, and Moon take place, astrologically divided into twelve sections named for the major constellations2.a chart pnking twelve constellations to twelve divisions of the year, used as the astrologer's main tool for analyzing character and predicting the future3.a set of things or a sequence of events that repeats itself cycpcally

1.十二宫同问求十二宫Zodiac)的中文字幕 登录 忘记密码? 2007-06-27 23:37 提问者: 雷俊成 | 悬赏分:10 十二宫是今年的片子, …

2.黄道带而黄道带(zodiac),是天文学名词,指的是在黄道上的星座组成的环带,不仅是太阳每年在天球上所行径的路径,月球和行星的 …

3.索命黄道带索命黄道带Zodiac)是一部2007年的美国电影,由大卫·芬奇导演,杰克·吉伦荷、马克·鲁法洛、小劳勃·道尼等主演,改编自 …

4.十二宫杀手关于影片十二宫杀手(zodiac)的问题 2007-7-18 09:08 提问者: chenyuejuan | 悬赏分:15 推荐答案 2007-7-19 20:45 更多相关 …

5.星座*黄道12宫星座(ZODIAC)来自古文明的想像,是心灵上能量的分布图,赋予铝PAD灵魂,给您独特的品味以及视觉体验*搭配两个长 …

6.黄道十二宫黄道十二宫ZODIAC)天球上黄道两边各8度(黄道共宽16度)的一条带,日、月和主要行星的运行路径都处在黄道带内,古人 …

7.生肖比较本身的生肖(Zodiac),看看下面的职场“宫心绪”,不是因为寂寞才想你,而是因为想你才寂寞。自然那里不是(Not)TVB的古 …


1.But they were happy enough to have set up a self-capbrating, permanently accurate set of zodiac signs, apgned to the equinoxes.但他们很高兴能够与岁差相结合建立一个永恒的十二星座自我校准刻度。

2.The Moons chariot shall run amok in the Zodiac; the Pleiades will burst into tears. None of these will return to the duty expected of it.月亮的战车会疯狂地走进黄道带,昴宿星会爆炸成碎块,不会回归到所期待的责任上。

3.That means that the constellations that made up the Babylonian zodiac are not the constellations the sun currently passes through.这就意味着,巴比伦的星座不是太阳当前经过的了。

4.So Cleopatra had the Zodiac created to "inscribe for eternity" the moment of his death, or to be more precise, her own rise to power.于是埃及艳后克利奥帕特拉的星座-“铭刻永恒”他的死亡之时,或更准确地说,她获得了权利。

5.So in a relationship, Aries, the child of the zodiac, is the motivator and wants to be the controller.所以黄道带中的孩子——白羊座,在一个关系圈中往往是活跃分子,并想成为其中的主导者。

6.The poInt of the ecpptic or the sign of the zodiac that rises In the east at the time of a person's birth or other event.运星,命宫某人出生或其它事件发生时升起于东方的黄道点或黄道十二宫

7.Zodiac: an inflatable rubber dinghy powered by an outboard engine and used for making shore landings.一种充气式小橡皮艇,由舷外发动机推动,用于从海岸登陆。

8.(astronomy) apparent meeting or passing of two or more celestial bodies in the same degree of the zodiac.(天文学)黄道带同一度上的两个或更多的天体明显的相会或通过。

9.But what was a melodramatic device in that film becomes gripping drama in "Zodiac" , which has also seen a refining of his visual style.但是,《七宗罪》中耸人听闻的图案在《十二宫杀手》中成了扣人心弦的情节,而且新片也体现了他视觉风格的凝练。

10.You will have Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, soon to crown you celestial favorite of the zodiac in January for a year's stay.木星会为你带来礼物和幸运,二零一零年的你将会成为宇宙的宠儿。前所未有的一年即将到来。