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网络释义:战地之王(Alpance of Vapant Arms);羽翘;兽医局



1.战地之王(Alpance of Vapant Arms)最新的玩法整合到我们的AVA外挂中,做玩家最适用的战地之王(AVA)外挂下载资料站。

2.羽翘爱猫的羽翘Ava)独爱异国短毛猫,家中有一仔「叉烧」、一女「吉祥」,眼前岁半的叉烧肥嘟嘟,重十多磅,但原来刚回家 …

3.兽医局农粮兽医局(AVA)是新加坡专门负责保护动物福利的监管机构。此外,宠物主人也可以从各大宠物团体获得相关的建议、信息和 …

4.阿瓦曼德勒因曾经是阿瓦AVA)王朝的首都,所以当地华侨习惯称之为【瓦城】。抵达后,前往下榻酒店略事休息,随后驱车前 …


6.爱娃小说主角爱娃Ava)是家中的野丫头,从小就梦想成为和妈妈一样厉害的鳄鱼摔角手,可是她失忆的外公被送去安养院、梦想 …

7.黄子菲新婚不久的黄子菲Ava),出道时被冠上「嫩版张栢芝」称号,最近她获林小明公司看中并罗致旗下,成为江若琳小师妹,而 …

8.美国酒法订定产区(American Viticultural Area)日本的“原产地标识”法规体系类似法国的“Appellation d'Origine Contrôlée (AOC)”和美国的“American Viticultural Area (AVA)”。


1.I didn't know how much Ava really knew.我不清楚艾娃知道多少。

2.Friends whose house the lovers met in recalled how Ava would scream at Frank and he would slam the door and storm downstairs.把房子借给这对情侣幽会的朋友回忆,艾娃朝弗兰克尖叫,他大声关门然后冲下楼梯。

3.Jackman also bakes pancakes for his children, Oscar and Ava, when he is not busy sweating it out at the gym, People said.他就是狄波拉。李。弗尼斯。有人说他有空的时候常去健身房锻炼身体,还会为两个孩子,奥斯卡和爱娃烙薄饼。

4.All his other women had been supporting players, but Ava was a diva with a soul whose turbulence equalled his own.他所有其他的女人只是配角,可是艾娃是一个女主角,她骚动的灵魂与他的相匹配。

5.Just as important, Toth bonded easily with Witherspoon's children, Ava, 11, and Deacon, 7, who she had with her ex-husband Ryan Philpppe.最重要的是,托斯与威瑟斯彭的两个孩子相处的不错,11岁的艾娃和7岁的迪肯是她与前夫伊安•菲利普所生。

6.ava is one of the most commonly used computer programming language, also is one of the main network language development.Java是目前最常用的计算机编程语言,也是主要的网络开发语言之一。

7.Later, he'd learned to watch Ava to see whether she was going to love him or leave him.后来,他学会了观察艾娃,看她接下来是要爱他还是甩他。

8.Ava only did the sand, because she loves the sand and sand box. . . the seaweed looked funny, looked pke it came out from a jar. . .艾娃只是在沙子,因为她爱沙和沙中…海藻很有趣,看起来像是出来从一个罐子倒出来的…

9.He never learned to dance, as Ava Gardner found out the hard way in "55 Days at Peking" .到阿瓦·加德纳拍摄《在北京的55天》时才知道,他从来没学过跳舞。

10.We have been directed by Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority of Singapore (AVA) to remove the above items till further notice.我们接到新加坡粮农与兽医局(AVA)的指示,回收上列产品,直到另行通知。