

wisdom tooth

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n.1.one of the four large teeth that grow at the back of your mouth when you are an adult

1.智齿 dental tartar 牙石 wisdom teeth 智齿 mouth ulcer 口腔炎症 ...

2.智慧牙 ... incisors: 门牙 wisdom teeth智慧牙 bicuspid: 双尖牙(前磨牙) ...

3.迟牙 儿童智力表 wisc 迟牙 wisdom teeth 真牙 wisdomtooth ...

4.智慧齿 深咬 Overbite 智齿拔除 Wisdom teeth 乱牙 Crowding ...

6.智能齿 蛀牙 dental caries 智能齿 wisdom teeth 珐琅质 enamel ...

7.还真是智齿 ... wisdom teeth 智齿 wisdom teeth 还真是智齿 My wisdom teeth hurt! 我长智齿了,好疼 ...


1.One day a man walks into a dentist's office and asks how much it will cost to extract wisdom teeth.一天,某人来到一个牙科医生的办公室,问他拔掉智齿需要多少钱。

2.Most adults have four wisdom teeth, but it is possible to have more, in which case they are called supernumerary teeth.大多数成人有四颗智齿,也可能更多,更多的智齿被称作多生牙。

3.Mary had all her wisdom teeth pulled yesterday, and for two weeks, as she was advised by the doctor, she could only eat soft stuff.玛丽昨天拔了智齿,医生要求她一周之内只能吃软的东西。

4.If it were, we might have wings instead of wisdom teeth.如果真的无可挑剔,那我们就应该长翅膀而不是智齿。

5.One young man said that his weekend had not been so good. He had his wisdom teeth removed.一个年轻人说,他周末过得不怎么好,刚刚拔了他的几颗智齿。

6.The American Dental Association say says removal is generally advised when wisdoms wisdom teeth is only partly break through the gums.美国牙科协会指出一般只有当智齿部分的露出牙龈情况下才会被建议实施。

7.Today, I had my wisdom teeth pulled, so as empathizing with me, my mother bought me a milkshake.今天我去拔了智齿。妈妈很心疼,就给我买了杯奶昔。

8.But wisdom teeth weren't always a cash crop for oral surgeons. Long ago, they served as a useful third set of meat-mashing molars.很久以前,智齿是作为把肉嚼碎的第三磨牙而派大用处的,不是像现在只是留给口腔医生去拔掉。

9.wade , nothing about him i don ' t pke - - except his wisdom teeth.韦德,关于他我没有什么不喜欢的,除了他那智齿(净根牙)之外。

10.My wisdom teeth gave me a bad toothache. I decided to have them pulled.我感觉我的智牙很痛。我决定把它们拔了。