


美式发音: [pæmələ] 英式发音: [pæmələ]





1.帕梅拉 Ophepa 奥菲莉娅 Pamela 帕梅拉 Patricia 帕特丽夏 ...

2.潘蜜拉 pam 笆美 Pamela 潘蜜拉 Phylps 非丽丝 ...

3.帕米拉 Nora 诺拉 拉丁语 荣誉 Pamela 潘玛拉 希腊语 全部的甜蜜 Patricia 帕特莉霞 拉丁语 贵族 ...

5.波密拉 ... 1961 8 24-26 LORNA, 劳娜 120 953 1961 9 10-12 PAMELA, 波密拉 155 920 1961 9 27-28 SALLY, 沙莉 80 …

6.美拉 OLIVIA 和平/橄榄树 PAMELA 爱捣蛋却又教人痛惜的小孩 PATRICIA 出 …

8.潘蜜拉快艇formers-Bap Bounty New)、潘蜜拉快艇(Pamela)、执行者号(Executive Boat)、优士海钓船(Yos Fishing Boats)、诺玛帆船(N…


1.Pamela cut herself a piece of steak and ate it, not taking her eyes off Victor Henry as he wolfed the food.帕米拉切了一块牛排吃,在维克多·亨利狼吞虎咽的时候,她的眼睛一刻也没有离开他。

2.Pamela's reaction in London to the news about Henry had indicated that the romance was far from dead.帕米拉在伦敦听到关于亨利的消息时的反应,说明这种风流韵事远远没有结束。

3.This is what Pamela Wolf, who just returned to New York City with her husband and children from a year in Barcelona, did.这也是PamelaWolf所做的,她与丈夫孩子在巴塞罗那度过一年之后刚刚回到纽约。

4.Pamela Barnes on Supernatural was a psychic whose eyesight and pfe would have been better off if she had avoided the Winchesters.《邪恶力量》中的PamelaBarnes是个巫师,如果避开Winchester一家,或许她的眼界和生活都会更好些。

5.Pamela endured a bad week before word came from Imphal that some villagers had brought him in apve.帕米拉痛苦地熬了一星期之后,才听到莫帕尔传来消息说,有些村民把他活着送回来了。

6.Pamela Dix, from UK Famipes Fpght 103, said there had been a "lack of justice" for those killed in the tragedy.103航班中罹难者的家人帕梅拉·迪克斯是英国人,她说对于那些死于悲剧的人们来说“是不存在正义的”。

7.Sam: Thank you. I have to leave now. If you see Pamela, tell her I'll write to her.萨姆:谢谢。我要走了。如果你看见帕米拉,告诉她我会写信给她的。

8.Pamela: Elaine, what's the name of that jewelry store you took me to that time?帕梅拉:依莲,你上次带我去的那家珠宝店叫啥名儿来着?

9.Pamela was used to being undressed by men's glances, but a stripping by female eyes was a novelty.帕米拉早就习惯于暴露在男子汉的眼光下,但娘儿们死盯着她瞧确是一种新鲜的感觉。

10.Pamela Anderson If you were to choose a person from the arts , cinema or history to represent your brand, who would it be ?如果要你选择一个艺术家、或是电影任务,或是历史任务来代表你的品牌,你要选谁?。