



美式发音: [ˈsɜrvənt] 英式发音: [ˈsɜː(r)v(ə)nt]



复数:servants  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.faithful servant,domestic servant,personal servant,royal servant





n.1.someone whose job is to cook, clean, or do other work in someone elses home

1.仆人外,与许多国家不同,数百年来英国的法律一直把人对其佣人servants)的权利视为财产法(property law)调整的一个旁 …

4.奴仆之自主程度的变化,來观察大众 媒介由威权时期的国家奴仆servants),转向民主体制下之问责者 (accountabipty holders…



1.For unto me the children of Israel are servants; they are my servants whom I brought forth out of the land of Egypt: I am the LORD your God.因为以色列人都是我的仆人,是我从埃及地领出来的。我是耶和华你们的神。

2.But Uriah slept at the entrance to the palace with all his master's servants and did not go down to his house.乌利亚却和他主人的仆人一同睡在宫门外,没有回家去。

3.SLY. 'Tis much. Servants, leave me and her alone. Exeunt SERVANTS Madam, undress you, and come now to bed.那真太委屈了你啦。喂,你们都给我走开。夫人,宽下衣服,快到床上来吧。

4.Until the LORD removed Israel out of his sight, as he had said by all his servants the prophets.以致耶和华从自己面前赶出他们,正如藉他仆人众先知所说的。

5.The number of peacetime domestic servants in Germany remained unchanged at a milpon and a half during the war.德国在和平时期有一百五十万人当家庭佣工,这个数字在战时始终保持未变。

6.In all the signs and wonders, which he sent by him, to do in the land of Egypt to Pharao, and to all his servants, and to his whole land.至于上主派他在埃及地,向法郎,和他的一切臣仆,并向他全地所行的一切神迹和奇迹。

7.I looked down upon the servants, and one or two friends who were in the house, as if they had been pigmies and I a giant.我居高临下看了看佣人和家里来的一两个朋友,好像他们都是矮子,我才是巨人。

8.And David's servants came into the land of the children of Ammon.大卫的臣仆到了亚扪人的境内。

9.In a pilgrim household, the adults sat down to eat and the children and servants waited on them.在清教徒的家里,成年人吃饭的时候,孩子和仆人必须在一旁侍餐。

10.One of these very old servants had to work all day without rest. However, when he slept at night, he often had very good dreams.其中有一个很老的工人,他整天工作很累,也不能休息,不过他晚上睡觉的时候,都作很好的梦。