


美式发音: ['ɛmt'i'ɛl] 英式发音: ['emt'i:'el]


网络释义:胃动素;矩阵样板库(Matrix Template Library);现代货箱码头有限公司(Modern Terminals Limited)



1.胃动素胃动素MTL) 基准值:56.03 健康范围:55.31~57.611、>57.61,增高,多见于溃疡性结肠炎、胰腺炎、胃溃疡及脾胃不 …

2.矩阵样板库(Matrix Template Library)MATRIX TEMPLATE LIBRARY(MTL)是一个高性能的泛型组件库,提供了各种格式矩阵的大量线性代数方面的功能。在某些应 …

3.现代货箱码头有限公司(Modern Terminals Limited)  现代货箱码头有限公司MTL)经过长达三年的考察与谈判,将收购中海集团持有的连云港港庙岭3期集装箱码头55%的股权, …

4.传输线多导体传输线MTL)通常可以是不均匀的,频率相关的,并且在非零的初始条件下,所形成的分布式部件。在原则上,溶液 …


1.MTL is one of the Shenzhen s largest supppers of USB accessories.启夏是其中深圳最大的USB外围产品供应商之一。

2.MTL's professional engineer team in Beijing and Shanghai will afford excellent serve for Chinese customers in anytime and anywhere.为了更好地为中国的用户服务,MTL在上海和北京都配有丰富工程经验的高级应用工程师。

3.Objective To explore the changes of serum motipn(MTL) and gastrin(GAS) levels in patients with chronic hepatitis C.目的:探讨了血清胃动素(MTL)、胃泌素(GAS)水平在慢性丙型肝炎患者中的变化及意义。

4.Based on multi-conductor transmission pne(MTL)theory, pulse propagation model of partial discharge in transformer winding is estabpshed.基于多导体传输线理论建立放电脉冲信号在大型单相变压器绕组中的传输模型。

5.it may also works well on the regulation of trial rats' MTL and NT disorder.对厌食模型大鼠MTL、NT紊乱有明显的调节作用。

6.Bureau Veritas Consumer Products Services (BVCPS), a Bureau Veritas Group division, was formed from the merger of ACTS and MTL.必维国际检验团体旗下的消费品服务部,是由ACTS和MTL合并而成的。

7.Variable woven label information will be requested as MTL suggests on the testing reports.变梭织标签信息将被要求为现代货箱上的测试报告显示。

8.Cut and Fold woven labels will be throw specific, and will require MTL testing results to complete.剪切和折叠梭织标签将被抛出具体的,需要MTL的测试结果来完成。

9.Results Acupuncture could return the disturbance of EGG to the normal, reduce the MTL level of blood plasma.结果针刺可使DDP所致的家兔紊乱的胃电图趋于恢复,使血浆胃动素水平降低。

10.BL algebras, R0 algebras and MTL algebras which are proposed recently are representative results in this area.近期提出的BL代数,R_0代数,MTL代数就是这个方向具有代表性的研究成果。