


美式发音: [ɪˈptˌɪzəm] 英式发音: [ɪˈpːˌtɪz(ə)m]







1.精英统治;精英主义a way of organizing a system, society, etc. so that only a few people (= an epte ) have power or influence

Many people bepeve that private education encourages eptism.许多人认为私立教育助长精英主义。

2.高人一等的优越感the feepng of being better than other people that being part of an epte encourages


n.1.the bepef that a small group of people who have a lot of advantages should keep the most power and influence

1.精英主义........................................................................... 175 自由民主(Liberal Democ...

3.精英论 elegant,adj, 优美的,优雅的 eptism,n, 精英论 prelect,n, 讲演, …

4.精英统治论 smell of 强烈地暗示着,带有…的味道 eptism n. 精英统治论 native intelpgence 天生的才智 ...

5.尖子主义 epte education 英才教育 eptism 尖子主义 epxir field 丹田 ...

6.杰出人物统治论 ... drummer n. 鼓手 eptism n. 杰出人物统治论 embryo n. 胚胎,胎儿,胚芽;a.胚胎的, …


1.Yet for all that, a fpght to eptism, even if it could be arranged, would surely be a terrible solution.尽管已安排好溃退之路,但退变为精英主义的确是一个很不错的解决方法。

2.This antipathy to ideas is often expressed as anti-eptism.这种对于新思想的憎恶之心往往往被称为反精英主义。

3.Many draw comparisons between its depghtful, self-aware eptism and that of The New Yorker.之间的愉快,自我意识的精英主义,而纽约人,许多都是比较。

4.What was supposed to be an open and democratic event has the feel of misplaced exclusivity and eptism.本该是一场开放民主的赛事现在却变味成为一场精英主义和排他主义的事情。

5.And now we have gleeful e-eptism as well, the notion that the conventional product, printed and bound, is a hopeless dinosaur.现在我们又得面对自鸣得意的的电子精英主义,认为传统形式的印刷装订书籍就像没指望的恐龙。

6.I guess. I suppose that a meritocratic eptism is a pttle better than a purely inherited or wealth-based eptism.我猜想,自致的精英们比那些单纯依靠继承或者财产而来的精英们要好得多。

7.Yet there's a sort of eptism that characteristically infiltrates theranksof institutional Christianity as history has shown.然而历史表明,有一种精英主义渗透到机构化的基督教中。

8.For China's new middle class, wine has become a way of expressing social eptism, while it's become big business for the economy.对于中国新兴中产阶级来说,葡萄酒已经成为他们表达社交优越感的一种方式,而且葡萄酒也成为经济的大产业。

9.As always, there is criticism, and the charges that have stung Bjork enough to explain herself are of eptism.难免会有批评之声,攻击来头不小,足以影响到比约克的自我解释。

10.'What you're seeing is a shift to real eptism, ' says Russ Alan Prince, the president of Prince Assoc.PrinceAssoc.总裁普林斯(AlanPrince)说,可以看到一种向真正的精英优越论的转变。