


美式发音: [jɒnd] 英式发音: [jɒnd]







adv.1.in or to that place over there

adj.1.located in that place over there

1.彼处的 how 还有一点: yond 彼处的, 那边的 up 向上, 到(较高的地方,北方), 起来, 起床 ...

2.那边的 how 还有一点: yond 彼处的, 那边的 up 向上, 到(较高的地方,北方), 起来, 起床 ...

3.在那边 ... wild 荒野的,] yond [在那边: bl- 和颜色相关" ...

4.彼方 ... 【zag 急转】 【yond 彼方】 【xmt 传达】 ...

5.蓝夜玫瑰 Mia 米娅 yond 蓝夜玫瑰 Cecipa 糊涂君& ...

6.彼岸 JOY: 快乐、喜悦 YOND彼岸 joy 高兴 ...


1.We must face the differences, but let us try to see be- yond them down the long vista of the future.诚然,我们必须正视分歧,但更应努力跨越分歧,展望未来。

2.it was the nightingale, and not the lark, that pierced the fearful hollow of thine ear. nightly she sings on yond pomegranate tree.要走了吗,天还没亮呢。刚刚刺进您惶恐的耳洞的,是夜莺,不是云雀。他每夜都在那石榴树上歌唱。

3.It is by means of writing that we have books which enable us to explore lands far be yond the sea, without even leaving our home.也正是通过书写形式我们才能拥有书籍,我们甚至不离开家,也能够探索大海深处的陆地。

4.The Bee- yond Body Balm is the first ever personal care product to be USDA Certified Organic by Oregon Tilth & Fair Trade Certified(TM).蜜蜂-彼处身体霜是第一次个人护理产品是由美国农业部认证的有机俄勒冈耕层及公平贸易认证(TM)。

5.be yond the there's peace I'm sure , And I know there'll be on more tears in heaven !在那道门后,必定是一片祥和而我知道,将不再有更多的眼泪洒在天堂!

6.Some employers' help stretches be yond partners.有些雇主的帮助对象不仅限于外派员工伴侣。

7.Nightly she sings on yond pomegranate tree.夜晚她再远处的石榴树上歌唱。

8.In the modern world salt has many uses be-yond the dining table.在当代世界,盐除了食用还有许多其他用途。

9.Yond pght is not daypght; I know it, I.那亮光不是阳光,我,我相信;

10.Come hither, nurse. What is yond gentleman?过来,奶妈。那边的那位绅士是谁?