



美式发音: [bru] 英式发音: [bruː]




第三人称单数:brews  现在分词:brewing  过去式:brewed  搭配同义词

adj.+n.brew beer

v.+n.brew coffee,brew tea






v.1.to make beer; to make a drink of tea or coffee2.if tea or coffee is brewing, or if you are brewing it, you have made it and left it to develop a stronger flavor3.if something bad is brewing, it is beginning to happen

n.1.beer, or a drink of beer; a type of beer2.a mixture of bad things3.an amount of tea brewed at one time and served in a pot

1.酿造 brood 孵,沉思 → brewed 酿造,酝酿 candid 无偏见的, 公正的 → ...

2.酝酿 brood 孵,沉思 → brewed 酿造,酝酿 candid 无偏见的, 公正的 → ...

3.酿造的 ... fresh: 新鲜的 brewed: 酿造的 coffee: 咖啡 ...

4.酿造陈醋粉 聚酯瓶 Polyester 酿造陈醋粉 Brewed 结冷胶 Gellan ...


1.The old gentleman, not to be behind, brewed me a strong punch out of their country spirit.那位老先生也不甘落后,为我从他们家乡的土烧酒中调配了一杯猛烈的潘契酒。

2.It says Starbucks brewed them up to give itself a pretext for grabbing back the best part of its business without paying for it.星巴克制造了这些说辞来作为重夺优质市场而不花一分钱的借口,星巴克的咖啡店业务进展缓慢。

3.Wake up to the smell of freshly brewed coffee by investing in a percolator with a programmable timer.投资一个过滤器和可编程定时器,就可以被现磨咖啡的香味弄醒。

4.When he handed me a porcelain mug filled with the freshly brewed coffee, the steam and the aroma seemed to envelop my entire face.当他把满满一大杯新颖煮制的咖啡端给我时,蒸腾的香气扑面而来。

5.Even some scientists feared that Patrick Steptoe and Robert Edwards might have brewed pestilence in a petri dish.甚至连某些科学家也担心,斯特普托及爱德华斯可能从培养皿中酿出了祸害。

6.It has no carbon dioxide gas added to make it fizz , and it is brewed only from barley, hops and pure clear water.这种啤酒不用添加二氧化碳使它冒泡,完全是用大麦、啤酒花与纯净水酿造而成。

7.Looseness of the heart is pke a dried-up well, already brewed all those valuable tears.漠然的心像一口干涸的井,已经酝酿不出珍贵的眼泪。

8.I did read it might be considered raw if it is brewed in the sun.我的确读到过关于绿茶如果是晒制成的,那么就可以算是生的之说。

9.The bitter gourd, as a kind of agricultural product, could be brewed the bitter gourd draft beer is one of many deep process methods.同时苦瓜作为一种农产品,酿制苦瓜啤酒也是其深加工方法之一。

10."I guessed em, every one of 'em, " and he filled the frog - mug with his home-brewed ale and drank it up.“我早就猜出来了,每样都猜对了。”他往青蛙杯里倒满家酿的啤酒,一饮而。