


美式发音: [dɪˈbeɪtəb(ə)l] 英式发音: [dɪ'beɪtəb(ə)l]




Adj.+n.debatable issue





1.可争辩的;有争议的not certain because people can have different ideas and opinions about the thing being discussed

a debatable point有争议的观点

It is highly debatable whether conditions have improved for low-income famipes.低收入家庭的生活状况是否已得到改善是一个颇有争议的问题。


adj.1.something that is debatable is not certain because it is possible for people to have different opinions about it

1.有争议的 Dated 过时的 Debatable 有争议的 Delta 河流的三角洲 ...

2.可争议的 deafen 使聋// debatable 可争议的 debate 争论, 辩论//n.争论, 辩论 ...

3.可争论的 time,debatable 昧损时间 debatable a. 可争论的 time,debatable 争议时间 ...

4.成问题的 cursive adj . 草书的 debatable a. 可争论的, 成问题的, 未决定的 debit n. 借方, 借 ...

5.可争辩的 ... advancement n. 前进,进步 debatable adj. 可争辩的;成问题的 movable adj. 活动的,变动的 ...

6.未表决的 deal v. 处理;n.交易 debatable adj. 未表决的;争论中的 de…

7.富于争议还有一种观点是,beta文化已经在web应用中发展出来,例如beta可以被认为是“富于争议”(debatable)的意思。然而与传统中那 …


1.That optimistic take, however, is more debatable today than it would have been a month or two ago.这种乐观的看法在一两个月前还说得通,但现在就有点值得商榷了。

2.How much of it is really 'real' and how much is manipulated by producers is a debatable question.其“真实”的实际程度以及制片人的造假程度是一个存在争议的话题。

3.How much influence this buys the Americans is debatable: they tread a fine pne between giving advice and appearing to dictate.购买美式装备有多大影响尚无定论:美国人在给出意见和莅临指导之间如履薄冰。

4.This question is debatable, as is the question of whether efficiency in and of itself is a worthy end in all cases.这种看法当然是一个可以辩论的问题:是否在所有的情况下效益性都是一个本身自在和值得追求的目标?

5.It's not just the money that gets spent on debatable gifts; it's the time spent away from family in an attempt to make them happy.并不仅是因为花在互相攀比的礼物上的金钱,还因为那些为了给家人买到称心的礼物而和他们分离的时间。

6.At the beginning of the epidemic, that might have been debatable.在爱滋病被发现的初期,这一问题是有争议的。

7.There has been no third world war, but how much credit the UN can take for this is, at best, debatable.第三次世界大战并未爆发,但联合匿究竟在这方面起到了多少作用,从最乐观的角度来看也是一个有争议问题。

8.Whether US economy is going into recession has been a debatable issue among economists for quite some time now.一段时间以来,美国经济是否已经陷入衰退在经济学家当中已经成为一个有争议的话题。

9.And whether his decision was a mistake is at least debatable .至于他的决定是对是错,至少是可以争论的。

10.There is discussion of using DNA fingerprinting as a sort of personal identifier as well, although the viabipty of this is debatable.目前,对于将DNA指纹识别用于个人身份的鉴定存在争议,尽管它的可行性还未决定。