


网络释义:兴业银行;拉昔胡申;持权转播商(Rights Holding Broadcaster)


1.兴业银行红化天体reddened quasar 红化类星体red horizontal branch ( RHB ) 红水平分支red nebulous object ( RNO ) 红色云状体Red …

5.罗丹明(Rhodamine B)罗丹明(RhB)罗丹明6G 罗丹明染料 罗丹明B(RhB) 罗丹明类染料 罗丹明类衍生物 摩罗丹 罗丹明 123 罗丹明101 罗丹明123 罗 …

6.高铁酸钾氧化降解罗丹明,侯惠奇.高铁酸钾氧化降解罗丹明RhB)水溶液的研究.环境化学 2007. 26(3),366-370.18. Li Huang, Wenbo Dong, Renxi Z…

7.拉昔胡申银行拉昔胡申银行(RHB)的Easy银行是马来西亚发展最快的银行之一,该行每周开放七天,客户无需填写任何表格。辛哈表示:“这 …


1.One of Malaysia's fastest-growing banks is RHB's Easy, which is open seven days a week and has no forms for customers to fill in.拉昔胡申银行(RHB)的Easy银行是马来西亚发展最快的银行之一,该行每周开放七天,客户无需填写任何表格。

2.OBJECTIVE To evaluate the result of right heart bypass operation(RHB) for treating complex congenital heart disease.目的总结右心旁路手术治疗复杂先天性心脏病的临床经验。

3.As distinct from Rights Holder( RHB ), Press do not pay a rights fee to cover the Olympic Games.与转播商不同的是,文字媒体无需支付版权费。

4.An official film may get a special camera position however RHB have the priority to the official cameras in the RT area.通常用特殊的机位拍摄纪录片,但转播商在RT区域拥有优先权。

5.RHB Bank chief executive Daniel Budu has submitted his resignation, but the board refused.兴业银行的首席执行官丹尼尔·布顿已经递交辞呈,但董事会予以拒绝。

6.Info 2008 terminals and working space are available for RHB .在那里有RHB的工作区并设有北京2008信息终端。

7.The RHB -92 is suited for use with food products of high sugar content such as malt, honey, jam, marmalade, etc.这种型号是被用来测量高糖份浓度的食品,如麦芽糖、蜂蜜、果酱、带皮果酱等的综合浓度。

8.Rights Holding Broadcast Organizations RHB转播权持有者广播组织