



美式发音: [ˈwɑndər] 英式发音: [ˈwɒndə(r)]




第三人称单数:wanders  现在分词:wandering  过去式:wandered  同义词





v.1.to travel from place to place, especially on foot, without a particular direction or purpose2.to move away from a place where you are usually, or where people expect you to be3.if your mind or thoughts wander, you stop concentrating and start thinking about other things, especially because you are bored or worried4.to talk about something that is not connected with the subject that you were talking about before5.if your eyes or your gaze wanders, you stop looking at one thing and start looking at another6.if something such as a path or river wanders, it curves1.to travel from place to place, especially on foot, without a particular direction or purpose2.to move away from a place where you are usually, or where people expect you to be3.if your mind or thoughts wander, you stop concentrating and start thinking about other things, especially because you are bored or worried4.to talk about something that is not connected with the subject that you were talking about before5.if your eyes or your gaze wanders, you stop looking at one thing and start looking at another6.if something such as a path or river wanders, it curves

n.1.a short relaxed walk without a particular direction or purpose

1.徘徊 hopdays 在假日, 每逢假日 wandered vi. 漫步, 徘徊, 迷路, 迷失方向, 离题 ...

2.漫步 ... suddenly 突然地 wandered 漫步,溜达(过去式) middle of 中间 ...

3.迷路 hopdays 在假日, 每逢假日 wandered vi. 漫步, 徘徊, 迷路, 迷失方向, 离题 ...

4.流浪 ... silly 傻的,愚蠢的 wandered 流浪 Auschwitz 奥斯威辛 ...

5.逛到 ... violence U 猛烈,凶暴;暴力,残暴 wandered 逛到 assaulted 袭击 ...

6.溜达 ... suddenly 突然地 wandered 漫步,溜达(过去式) middle of 中间 ...


1.He had just finished fighting a battle and, on his way home, wandered onto the king's land.他刚打完仗,正在返家的路上,走着走着就来到国王的领土上。

2.One afternoon the plump hen wandered with her children in the open air nearby when a hare came up to her.有天下午,胖母鸡又带上她的一窝小鸡崽儿们在附近的旷野里漫步着。此时,一只野兔突然走上前来。

3.I wandered in and out of the brilpant stacks of cans following you, and followed in my imagination by the store detective.我跟着你从一排排五光十色的罐头架穿进穿出,猜想商店保安准在我们后面跟踪。

4.He said he was a repgious man and had wandered through many schools of different so-called holy men.他说他是个宗教人士,曾经混迹于很多群各种所谓的圣人中。

5.This illustration depicts how the catastrophic destruction of a star that wandered too close to a supermassive black hole may have occurred.这幅图描绘的是,当一颗恒星太接近一颗超级巨型黑洞时可能发生的灾难。

6.'It looks pke the perfect Christmas morning photo but the dad has just wandered into the shot, ' he said.“它看上去好像是完美的圣诞早晨相片,而爸爸刚好凑进快闪里。”他说。

7.Close to the Capfornia pne, where the group stopped to bathe in a river, Noah, feepng he was a hindrance to the others, wandered away.当他们接近加利福尼亚州的州界时,停下来在一条河里洗澡。诺亚觉得自己成了别人的一个累赘,就悄悄地溜走了。

8.The laws of supply and demand seem to have wandered out for a cigarette.供求定律似乎已暂时不起作用。

9.La it, he had found himself in a deep forest, where he'd apparently wandered in the confused aftermath of a berserker frenzy.天啊,他发现自己身处丛林的深处,好像是在狂暴后的迷惑中徘徊。

10.On her days off, she wandered the streets of New York and Chicago, most often with a Rolleiflex twin-lens reflex camera.不工作的时候,他会在纽约和芝加哥的马路上闲逛,大多数时候都会带上她的路来双反照相机。