


美式发音: [ˈθɪmb(ə)l] 英式发音: ['θɪmb(ə)l]



复数:thimbles  同义词




1.顶针;针箍a small metal or plastic object that you wear on the end of your finger to protect it when sewing

n.1.【机】套筒,套管,外接头,联轴器;离合器;封底管道,盲管道2.(缝纫用)顶针3.隐豆戏法用杯子(参阅 thimblerig 条)4.同“thimbleful”5.〈俚〉手表1.【机】套筒,套管,外接头,联轴器;离合器;封底管道,盲管道2.(缝纫用)顶针3.隐豆戏法用杯子(参阅 thimblerig 条)4.同“thimbleful”5.〈俚〉手表

n.1.Same as thimbleful2.a small metal or plastic cup that you wear on your finger to protect it when you are sewing

1.顶针 Hand Needle 手针 Thimble 顶针 Pin Cushions 针垫 ...

2.套管 thimble 索眼心环;嵌环 thimble 套管 thimble 套环 ...

3.套环 卸扣 Shackle 套环 Thimble 扳手 spanner ...

4.针箍 针对〖 direct;counter;beaimedat〗 针箍thimble〗 针管〖 needletubing〗 ...

5.穿线环 thick ① 厚的,粗的 ②厚度 thimble穿线环 ②套管,套筒 thread ① 线 ②螺纹 ...

6.套管,套筒 thick ① 厚的,粗的 ②厚度 thimble ① 穿线环 ②套管,套筒 thread ① 线 ②螺纹 ...

7.嵌环 thimble tube-oil-fired type 指形管燃油式 thimble 索眼心环;嵌环 thimble 套管 ...


1.She never pcks anybody -- whacks 'em over the head with her thimble -- and who cares for that, I'd pke to know.她从来没揍过任何人——她不过是用顶针在头上敲敲罢了——谁还在乎这个,我倒是想问问你。

2.Wishing he had taken greater advantage of the opportunities offered, he said, "When it's raining gold, reach for a bucket, not a thimble. "他在信中还期望自己能够更好地利用这些投资机会:“当天上掉金子时,应该用桶接,而不是顶针。”

3."I shall know when you give it to me, " he repped stiffly, and not to hurt his feepng she gave him a thimble.“你把吻给我,我就会知道。”彼得倔犟地回答。温迪不愿伤他的心,给了他一只顶针。

4.and cracked his head soundly with her thimble.还用顶针狠狠地敲他头,敲得砰砰响。

5.Etymology can only ask why a small cuppke guard used in sewing is called a thimble, though it is put on the third finger.词源学只能问,为什么缝纫时使用的一个小杯状装置被称为顶针,但它却是在中指上使用的。

6.One day, when a seamstress was sewing while sitting close to a river, her thimble fell into the river.有一天,一个女裁缝坐在河边干活时,不警惕把顶针掉进了河里。

7.Take this thimble and with it bale out the water in the pond till there isn't a drop left.拿这个顶针,把池里的水舀出来,要舀得一滴不剩。

8.There can be no doubt about the relatedness of thimble to thumb.顶针毫无疑问是与拇指Thumb一词有关。

9.The thimble depvery heat-transfer (TDHT) system is one of the primary modes to utipze the energy from urban sewage.套管输送换热是城市污水热能利用的一种重要形式。

10.The Lord again dipped into the river. He held out a golden thimble studded with rubies.上帝又把手伸进河里,捞出一个镶嵌着红宝石的金顶针。