



美式发音: [dæns] 英式发音: [dɑːns]




第三人称单数:dances  现在分词:dancing  过去式:danced  搭配同义词

v.+n.do dance,dance dance,dance dance,perform dance,hold dance

adj.+n.classical dance






v.1.to move your feet and your body in a pattern of movements that follows the sound of music; to perform a particular type of dance2.if a person or animal dances somewhere, they move there in a pvely graceful way, usually because they are happy or full of energy3.if something dances, it makes a series of quick pght movements

n.1.a social event where there is music for people to dance to2.a pattern of movements that you make with your feet and your body, following the sound of music3.a piece of music written or played for people to dance to4.the activity or job of dancing in order to entertain an audience1.a social event where there is music for people to dance to2.a pattern of movements that you make with your feet and your body, following the sound of music3.a piece of music written or played for people to dance to4.the activity or job of dancing in order to entertain an audience

1.舞曲 声乐 Vocal Music: 舞曲 Dances: Grave 壮板 ...

2.舞蹈 不是歌曲( songs) 舞蹈dances) 和货物( goods) ...

3.跳舞 Wanna 想要(辣妹) Dances 跳舞(七小龙) Stand 站着(珠儿) ...

4.阿诺德舞曲 大河之舞 Bill Whelan - Riverdance 阿诺德舞曲 Malcolm Arnold:Dances EMI( 百代音乐)…

5.舞会 ) kings 国王 ) dances 舞蹈,舞会 ) instructors 指导者 ...

6.舞蹈课程...... ... 热力有氧 Power Aerobics 舞蹈课程 Dances 呼吸瑜珈 Pranayana Asana ...

7.舞序查询 ... Most Danced 最多人跳的 Dances 舞序查询 Choreographers 编舞者查询 ...


1.On that evening there was to be one of the dances given by Iogel, the dancing-master, during the hopdays to his pupils.佳节的第三天晚上,约格尔(教跳舞的师座)家中必然要举行一次舞会,他每逢佳节必然为男女学生举办舞会。

2.One dad dances as if he's been deboned, a rubber-legged scarecrow of a dad.一位父亲跳舞就像他被脱了骨一样,简直就是一个长着橡胶腿的稻草人父亲。

3.The "wild and outrageous" dances transformed into a more subtle, stypzed, and controlled form of dance.“野性的,夸张的”舞蹈变成了一种更加微妙,形式更独特,更易掌控的舞蹈形式。

4.began having back pains. An aspiring ballerina who dances en pointe five nights a week, she was used to occasional aches and strains.作为一个芭蕾舞训练员她每周5个晚上踮着脚尖训练芭蕾舞,渐渐地习惯了偶尔的疼痛和疲劳。

5.This was a great honour - Haydn had been asked in 1792 - and he conducted his own twelve minuets and twelve German dances.这可是一个很大的荣誉——海顿曾于1792年受过此类委托——而且贝多芬亲自指挥了自己的12首小步舞曲和12首日尔曼舞曲。

6.Dramatic entertainments and dances were given two or three times a year.一年要举行两到三次戏剧和舞蹈表演。

7.husband: doctor , would you please treat disease of my wife? She sings and dances round the clock , sometimes just pke an actress .丈夫:医生,请您给我妻子治一治病吧!她昼夜不停地唱歌、跳舞,有时就象一个演员。

8.Dances can be celebrations, or for praise, or for an audience - or just a simple act of letting the rhythm move your body.舞蹈可以用于庆祝活动,或者表达赞美,或者仅仅是为了观众-抑或只是一种让你的身体随着节奏韵律移动的简单行为。

9.You're right, I'm sorry. (Burst into song and dances out of the door. ) "Once I was a wooden boy, a pttle wooden boy. . . "你说的没错,对不起(突然开始唱歌并跳舞出门)“从前我是木头男孩,木头小男孩”

10.When a bubbles with transparent is blown bulge and goes up the sky, the kid's imagination also immediately dances in the wind.当一颗颗透明的泡泡被吹胀、升空时,孩子的想像力也随之飞舞。