




1.麦当劳 ... (Central Hotel 中心大酒店)。 (McDonalds 一麦当劳)。 (KoreanAir 一大韩航 …

4.麦当劳的种植园 SMS Popup_1.0.6. 闪信 Mcdonalds 麦当劳网点软件 ShopSavvy 购物条形码软件 ...

7.麦当劳西三环南路号 麦当劳-洋桥餐厅 地址:北京市丰台区海户西里 麦当劳西三环南路(mcdonalds) 地址:北京市丰台区西三环南路亿客隆家具 …


1.You know, getting off the Metro, and you look up and all you see is McDonalds, and you've got five minutes -- then you're kind of stuck.你知道,从地铁出来时,放眼望去,看到的只有麦当劳,而你只有五分钟,此时你真的很无助。

2.I had my first year appraisal at the McDonalds today. They painted a bit of a career veneer over the last year.我今天刚拿到在麦当劳的第一个年度考评。他们去年就在向我描绘一些职业虚景。

3.Essential convenience stores [including McDonalds & Starbucks], as well as a launderette, are near the hotel.最基本的连锁便利店(好像麦当劳和星巴克),还有干洗店,在酒店附近都有。

4.Fast food chains pke McDonalds have one of the highest employee turnover rates of any industries.快餐连锁店麦当劳的员工轮换率在所有行业中是最高的。

5.By buying the McDonalds franchise you're epgible to all the ads and promotion for the company.购买了麦当劳专营权,您就有资格获得所有广告和推广公司。

6.I remember my mother telpng me that I'll never end up as anyone, just some nobody fppping burgers in McDonalds.我记得我妈妈告诉我我绝不能成为普通人,就像在麦当劳里无人问津的汉堡。

7.McDonalds was not immediately available for comment but newspapers said that the company had since stopped using the powder.对此麦当劳并未马上给出说法,但报章说该公司已停止使用这种调料粉。

8.Once, Michael asked me to run down the street to McDonalds to grab some lunch for him.一次,迈克尔要我到街上的麦当劳去给他买点儿午餐。

9.He was hooked, and went back to McDonalds twice more that day, eating nine before they closed.此后就一发不可收拾,当天他就两次回到麦当劳,吃了一共九个汉堡直到他们关门。

10.Montpeper, Vermont is the only U. S. state capital without a McDonalds.蒙弗特州的蒙彼利埃,是美国唯一一个没有麦当劳的州会。