

virgin birth

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n.1.in Christianity, the doctrine that Jesus Christ was born as the son of God, not of a human father, and that his mother was a virgin

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1.Jefferson bepeved in a creator, but not in the divinity of Jesus, much less the virgin birth, which he thought only as a "fable" .他相信上帝,但不相信耶稣的神性,更别提他是上帝之子了,他认为这只是个“寓言”而已。

2.Hers is the best known story of a virgin birth in the world, but it is by no means the only one.这是世界上人所共知的一个处子怀胎的故事,但又绝不是惟一的一个。

3.One theory is that switching from sexual reproduction to virgin birth might have helped these ancient creatures survive so long.一种理论言称,从有性生殖到无性生殖的转变或许才帮助了这些远古的生物存活了这么长时间。

4.The candy maker started with a pure white mixture to tell of Jesus' virgin birth and sinless pfe.这个糖果制造商用一种白色的混合物来象徵耶稣圣洁的出生和无罪的一生。

5.So mother turkeys do have the genetic stuff for making males, although there may be other barriers to a "virgin birth" .所以说尽管可能还存在其它的障碍使得雌火鸡不能进行单性生殖,但是它们确实是具有生育雄性小火鸡的基因材料的。

6.Once before in history there'd been a virgin birth.历史上曾经有过一次处女受孕。

7.The church doctrine of the Trinity, Virgin Birth, Resurrection, Ordination and Salvation appealed to the common masses.教会三位一体、童贞女之子、神职授任、拯救等教条应用在普通弥撒上。

8.Who knows, one day a virgin birth in humans may not be so implausible after all.说不定有一天人类的单性生殖或许竟会变得不这样令人难以置信呢?

9.Virgin birth among reptiles, especially primitive ones pke boas, they argue may be far more common than expected.在爬行动物界,也许处女生殖现象要比想象中普遍得多。特别是对于像大蟒蛇一样的原始爬行动物来说。

10.The same goes for carols referring to Virgin Birth and lullabies that invoke the Baby Jesus.有关圣母玛利亚处子生育的颂歌和令人想起婴儿时期基督的摇篮曲也发生了同样的情况。