




1.副院长 副市长 deputy mayor 副院长 deputy dean 助理教授 assistant professor ...

2.副主任 ... deputy manager 副总经理 deputy dean 副主任 vice chairman 副主席 ...

3.副的大学学院院长 ... deputy director( 副主任, 副馆长, 副~长) deputy dean( 副的大学学院院长) 等 associate editor-in-chief( 副主编) ...

4.范红教授称自己曾是副院长 院长 Dean 执行院长 Deputy Dean 副院长、副书记 Associate Dean ...

6.学院副院长 ... 副总领事 deputy consul-general; 学院副院长 deputy dean; 助理工程师 assistant engine…

7.大学副系主任 ... 副处/科长 deputy division/section chief 大学副系主任 deputy dean/head of a department ...

8.副教务长教务长 (Dean)/ 副教务长(Deputy Dean) / 注册组(Division of Registration) / 课务组(Division of Curriculum) / 招生组 /


1.For instance, in February 2008 there was an assassination attempt on the deputy dean of Baghdad University's School of Medicine.例如,在2008年2月,有人企暗杀巴格达大学医学院的副院长。

2.Yang reported the case to the deputy dean of the college where Li Ming studies, but received a perfunctory reply.杨把此事报告给了李明所在院校的副院长,但是只得到一个敷衍的回复。

3.Deputy Dean, Faculty of Pubpc Management, Zhejiang University, Professors, Doctoral Tutor.浙江大学公共管理学院副院长,教授,博导。

4.It should be provided with the basic diathesis of increasing the deputy dean oneself ideation.是提高副职自身思维能力应具备的基本素质;

5."Schools become the de facto co-signer, " says Stacey Kole, deputy dean for the full-time MBA programme at Booth.“学校成了事实上的共同签署人。”布斯商学院负责全日制MBA课程的副院长斯泰西•科尔(StaceyKole)表示。

6.Deputy Dean of Economics college of Zhejiang University, Professor, Doctoral tutor.浙江大学经济学院副院长,浙江省金融工程学会副理事长,教授,博导。

7.The sessions are currently optional, but may soon become required, says Deputy Dean JoAnne Yates.副校长JoAnne说:“授课的时间目前来看是选修式的,但是很快就会变成必修。”

8.p rong bao , professor , deputy dean , foreign languages institute.李荣宝外国语学院教授、副院长。

9.PLA sage ap deputy dean firstly from home and abroad every expert of welcome.解放军总医院陈晓红副院长首先对来自海内外的各位专家表示欢迎。

10."This quake was pretty much a bullseye, " said John Wilson, deputy dean of engineering at Austrapa's Swinburne University of Technology.“此次余震真的是正中靶心”,澳大利亚斯威本科技大学工程系副主任约翰.威尔森