


美式发音: [dʌnˈdi] 英式发音: [dʌnˈdi:]





1.邓迪大学 布鲁内尔大学( brunel) 邓迪大学( dundee) 基尔大学( keele) ...

2.丹地丹地(Dundee),位于苏格兰的东海岸,市临优美的泰河,周围有美丽的农场、东苏格兰的森林及山丘地带,依山傍水,景致迷 …

3.敦提苏格兰敦提Dundee)的V&A选址在一个可以建造公共空间网络的场地上,每一个空间都有自己的特性,并连接着现有的城市 …

4.丹迪丹迪Dundee):东海岸的文化古城,建城超过800年,是苏格兰可以独立自成一个行政区的都市里面最小的一个。 印威内斯…

5.邓迪市英国苏格兰邓迪市Dundee)出现一台自动「喷钱」提款机,吐出来的钞票竟是提领金额的两倍,提款人也「呷好到相报」, …

6.登地一八八一年上半年,他在苏格兰登地Dundee)跌倒,受伤极重,身体的情形十分低落,有一段时期他晚上不能躺下休息,只 …

7.丹迪市丹迪市 (Dundee) 为苏格兰第四大城,却是全英境内物价最低的城市之一,座落於泰伊河(River Tay)北岸,周围地区的Perth郡 …


1.McGonagall was a textile industry worker who began writing poetry at the age of 47 after a " muse " visited him in his dundee apartment .迈贡纳高是一个纺织工人,他47岁时一位“缪斯”造访了他在邓迪的公寓,随后他就开始写诗。

2.An international research team led by Dundee University said it had made a "significant breakthrough" in understanding the disease.顿提大学领导的一支国际科研组称,对此疾病的了解因其取得了“重大突破”。

3."Our new packaging initiative was to correctly position the Dundee portfopo within the craft beer category, " says Magallanes.“我们的新包装倡议是正确的立场,邓迪组合的工艺啤酒类,说:”麦哲伦。

4.The new packaging includes a flavor matrix to help educate consumers on the different styles of each Dundee beer.新包装包括风味矩阵,以帮助教育消费者的不同风格的每个邓迪啤酒。

5.This is Crocodile Dundee territory, but the move is more about facing up to a distant dragon than to the local saltwater crocs.这里是“鳄鱼邓迪”的领地,但此举主要意在对付一条遥远的巨龙而非当地海洋中的鳄鱼。

6.You only have to look at movies pke "Crocodile Dundee" here in Austrapa, "Lord of the Rings" in New Zealand, even "Harry Potter" .你只需要在澳大利亚看看电影“鳄鱼邓迪”,新西兰的“指环王”。甚至“哈利波特”。

7.At a conference in Dundee have heard how mathematics Can determine the fate of a marriage.在苏格兰邓迪举行的一次会议上,与会代表们得知数学家可以测定婚姻的结局。

8.If you ask the citizens of Edinburg and Glasgow, Dundee and Aberdeen what they have in common their immedate reflex is to say "nothing" .如果你问居住在爱丁堡、格拉斯哥、邓迪和阿伯丁的居民,这四个城市有什么相同之处的话,他们的第一反应都是“没有什么相同的”。

9.McGonagall was a weaver in Dundee, Scotland who often recited his works on the street and tried to sell them.麦戈纳格尔曾是苏格兰敦提市的一名纺织工人。他常在大街上朗诵并推销自己的诗作。

10.Yorkshire is to the north, about in the middle of the country, and Dundee is in Scotland.约克郡是再北一点,在英国中部。敦提郡则在苏格兰。