


美式发音: 英式发音: [klɑ:k]






na.1.The variant of Clark

1.克拉克 ... Richard L. Breen 理查德·布林) T.E.B. Clarke 特·克拉克) D.M. Marshman 小狄·姆·马什曼) ...

6.卡拉克940年)等 名称 贝塞尔椭球 (Bessel) 克拉克椭球 (Clarke) 海福特椭球 (Hayford) 克拉索夫斯基椭 球(Krassovsky) 1 年代 1841 1…

8.克拉克郡这个与希腊的历史名城雅典同名的城市,位于乔治亚州的东北部,是克拉克郡Clarke)的首府,人口二十万左右,是乔治亚州 …


1.Clarke decided that he would try to apply the principles of his thinking to the age of cyberthreats.Clarke决定他将试图把老师的思想原则运用到网络威胁的时代。

2.Phipp Clarke has had a very similar career, starting on the shop floor and working his way up.PhippClarke拥有一位非常相似的工作经历,刚开始于擦商店地板,这样一路工作晋升过来。

3.Best supporting actor nominee Michael Clarke Duncan has no time to talk as he arrives for the ceremony.奥斯卡最佳男配角提名人麦克·克拉克·邓肯在到达典礼现场没有时间接受采访。

4.He said the idea for the murder came from the spoof horror film Severance, which Clarke had watched.他说谋杀的主意来自于克拉克看过的虚构的恐怖片《断绝》。

5.At the time Clarke was a graduate student of Kitching's, and his observations were so extraordinary I had to see it to bepeve it.那时克拉克是科特勤带的一个研究生,他的观察报告非同寻常而我不得不细看以至深信。

6.First I thought it had to do with her friend Liam Clarke, but now I think you can get obsessive that there are better things after death.开始我认为和她的朋友LiamClarke有关,但是现在我想你会有那种想法,就是觉得死后会有更好的事情。

7.But Clarke is not writing off the 29-year-old, and said: "He's working again on the training pitch. "不过克拉克并没有忘记这位29岁的中场,他说,“他已开始在训练场上训练了。”

8.Clarke was shot by two men who opened fire with a shotgun after he opened the door of his house in December of 2007.2007年12月,克拉克打开家门,迎来的却是正持散弹枪的两名男子的射击。

9.The appointment of Steve Clarke, assistant to Mourinho at Chelsea, is one example. Just a very good on-the-pitch coach.斯蒂文-克拉克,穆里尼奥在切尔西的助手的任命就是一个例子。

10.For a while, Clarke even made a modest pving as a professional sceptical enquirer.有一段时期,克拉克甚至在一定程度上过着专业怀疑论者的生活。