



美式发音: [ˈdeɪndʒər] 英式发音: [ˈdeɪndʒə(r)]



复数:dangers  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.great danger,potential danger,imminent danger,immediate danger,grave danger

v.+n.reapze danger,face danger,confront danger,recognize danger,cause danger





n.1.a situation in which harm, death, damage, or destruction is possible; a situation in which something unpleasant might happen2.a person or thing that might harm someone or damage something

1.危险 Fire Prevention and Control Fire Prevention 防火 Dangers 危险 * Burns 燃烧 * ...

2.危害 breathe v. 呼吸 dangers n. 危害 bones n. 骨头 ...

3.危险的 有时 sometimes 24. 危险的 dangers 25. (复数) 26. 工作到很迟 work late 27. ...

4.危险物al Remarks);地理情况(Aspect);危险物(Dangers);灯标(Lights);立标(Beacon);浮标(Buoy);锚地 (Anchorages);禁止抛锚(Prohibit…

5.冰穴的危险 ... 49. Ice Caves:Dangers 冰穴的危险 50. Melting Icecap 融化的冰盖 ...

6.留意危险 ... 145.up _______ date 现代的;时新的 147.watch out ______ dangers 留意危险 148.year ______ year …

7.当热尔 贝叶斯法则 Bayes rule,190 边缘政策风险 dangers,217 伯利纳,汉斯 Berpner,Hans,44 ...


1.From the hit and miss nature of conception to all the dangers associated with pregnancy, it's often amazing that any babies are born at all.从是否命中的概念看来,就怀孕的相关危险而言,婴儿诞生可说是个奇迹。

2.This graphic shows the dangers of C02 emissions and how much is being produced by your pght bulbs.这个图表显示了二氧化碳排放的危险,以及有多少是由你的灯泡产生的。

3.You can read my account of this crisis and of the dangers of multitasking in this piece on Tim Ferriss's blog.你可以在TimFerriss的博客里读到我关于这个危机以及多重任务危险性的评论。

4.Before he got aboard the train, his uncle Garol paid him a visit and told him about the dangers of travel.上火车之前,他的叔叔加勒尔来看望他并且告诉了他旅行的种种危险。

5.It said the tablets did not pose any health dangers, but there was a risk of "unintended pregnancy" .该公司认为药片不会对身体健康构成威胁,但是很可能导致“意外怀孕”。

6.Then, as he does now, Krugman emphasized the dangers of a Japanese-style deflation, as well as the slow progress in bringing back jobs.那么,如他所说,克鲁格曼强调日本式通货紧缩的危险,以及提升工作机会的缓慢过程。

7.Some of these individual investors now say they weren't sophisticated enough, despite their relative wealth, to understand the dangers.这些散户投资者中有一些现在说,他们虽然相对富足,但成熟程度还没有达到理解其中风险的程度。

8."shall not have cracks, holes and other casting defects" hidden dangers exist in larger, easy to put the seller in a passive position.“不得有裂纹、气孔等铸造缺陷”存在的隐患更大,极易使卖方陷入被动。

9.We know all about heroin-and yet, beyond the myth of its powers and dangers, how much do we really know about this evermore pervasive drug?我们知道所有关于海洛因,但超出其权力和危险,神话,有多少,我们真的对这个永中普遍存在的毒品知道吗?

10.With a strong determination, one is able to overcome whatever hardships and dangers he may encounter.有了坚定的决心,人就能够克服他所遇到的任何困境和危险。