


美式发音: [dɪˈbrif] 英式发音: [diːˈbriːf]



第三人称单数:debriefs  现在分词:debriefing  过去式:debriefed  同义词




1.~ sb (on sth)正式询问,盘问(某人执行任务的情况)to ask sb questions officially, in order to get information about the task that they have just completed

He was taken to a US airbase to be debriefed on the mission.他被带到美国空军基地汇报执行使命情况。


v.1.to get information from someone who has just finished an important job, especially for the miptary or the government

1.汇报 直复营销,直效营销 广告行销 TVC TV Commercial;CF. (debrief 汇报,听取简报) (Planning 策划) ...

2.听取报告 cynical 愤世嫉俗的 debrief 听取报告, 听取汇报 decpne 下倾, 下降, 下垂 ...

3.听取汇报 debouch 流出 debrief 听取汇报 debunk 揭穿真相 ...

4.盘问 debonair a.美丽的;温雅的 debrief v.盘问,听取报告 debris n.碎片,残骸 ...

5.汇报情况 ... debouch v. 流出,进入(开阔地区) debrief v. 向.询问情况,汇报情况 debri…

6.任务汇报 Cancel 取消 Debrief 任务汇报 Log 空战日志 ...

7.听取……的报告 report 报告 debrief 听取……的报告 duty 值日 ...

8.向…询问情况 debouch 流出,进入 debrief 向…询问情况 debris 废墟,残骸 ...


1.Green comes in to debrief Jack, and he asks to phone his wife and daughter in return for his cooperation.格林走进审讯室盘问杰克,作为合作,杰克要求与他的老婆和女儿通电话。

2.Agent Paulson continues to debrief the women, but Teri's exhaustion causes her to lose focus.特工保罗逊继续向这母女讯问信息,但疲惫的泰瑞失去了注意力。

3.As you psten, try to pick out these natural combinations of words. Then we'll explain what they mean and how to use them in the debrief.听对话时,要将这些词的搭配选出来,我们会解释短语的意思和用法。

4.And there , we sat down , and we did a debrief about what had gone wrong there on Mt. Everest .在那里,我们坐下来,然后我们做了一下在珠峰哪里出错的报告。

5.The ACMI system consists of air combat training pods and PC-based debrief software that allows training without a fixed infrastructure.ACMI系统包括空战训练吊舱和基于PC的任务执行情况汇报软件,通过该系统,训练可以不依赖固定的基础设施而进行。

6.Employees not selected will have an opportunity for a debrief as part of their personal development planning .落选员工将有机会得到简单的情况介绍,以助于他们将来的发展;

7.Brief and debrief trainees to ensure the successful execution and conclusion of each training activity.帮助学员做好培训总结,保证未来应用效果。

8.Harvey: But first we'll debrief over lunch. Come on, I'll carry you to the car!哈维:我们先利用午餐时间来减减压。。。来吧,让我搀扶你上车吧。

9.Within days, she hired Juan Francisco Torres-Landa, a prominent Harvard-trained lawyer in Mexico City, to debrief Mr. Cicero.仅在数日内,她便聘请墨西哥城内一位毕业于哈佛的著名律师胡安·弗朗西斯科·托雷斯-兰达(JuanFranciscoTorres-Landa)听取奇切罗的情况汇报。

10.Jack questions why Nina didn't finish the debrief, but she gets called away before she can answer.杰克问尼娜为何没有完成盘问情报的工作,尼娜还未来得及回答就被别人叫走了。