


美式发音: [ˈperəˌlaɪz] 英式发音: [ˈpærəlaɪz]



第三人称单数:paralyses  现在分词:paralysing  过去分词:paralysed  



1.~ sb使瘫痪;使麻痹to make sb unable to feel or move all or part of their body

The accident left him paralysed from the waist down .那场事故使他腰部以下都瘫痪了。

paralysing heat令人头昏脑胀的炎热

She stood there, paralysed with fear.她站在那里,吓得呆若木鸡。

2.~ sth使不能正常工作to prevent sth from functioning normally

The airport is still paralysed by the strike.机场仍因罢工而陷于瘫痪。



na.1.The variant of paralyze

1.使麻痹 paradise 天国;乐园 paralyse 使麻痹,使瘫痪 paramount 最高的;首要的 ...

2.使瘫痪 paradise 天国;乐园 paralyse 使麻痹,使瘫痪 paramount 最高的;首要的 ...

3.使无力 美国传统词典 par.a.lyse n.使...无力,关闭 paralyse ...

4.使麻痹,使瘫痪 ... paragraph n. 小新闻,短评 ? ? ? paralyse vt. 使麻痹,使瘫痪 ? ? ? parameter n. 参(变)数;参量 ? ? ? ...

5.关闭 美国传统词典 par.a.lyse n.使...无力,关闭 paralyse ...


1.Airport workers in Spain have voted to call off strike action threatening to paralyse the country's airports over the Easter hopday.西班牙机场工作人员举行投票,取消威胁在复活节期间使全国机场瘫痪的罢工活动。

2.In his speech, Obama called on them to work for a compromise rather than paralyse Washington as they did over debt before the summer.Obama在他的演说中要求共和党人寻求妥协而不是像之前的债务危机中那样瘫痪美国国家机器。

3.Huge uncertainty about the value of any outstanding euro-denominated contracts could paralyse commerce within Europe and beyond.所有未履行之欧元计价合约在价值上的巨大不确定性,可能瘫痪欧洲乃至更广大地区的商业活动。

4.Drinking a Little comforts a day, but being used to hitting the bottle will paralyse all your senses.小酒宜情,但是酗酒成性会麻痹你所有的心智。

5.He said banks needed to lend more in order to break a cycle of fear that was threatening to paralyse the economy.他表示,银行必须扩大放贷,才能打破恐慌情绪的恶性循环,这种情绪正在威胁经济,使其陷入瘫痪。

6.Once it becomes impossible to paralyse cities and stop commuters getting to work, strikes will lose much of their wider poptical potency.一旦瘫痪城市和阻止乘公共车辆上下班者去工作成为不可能,罢工将失去他们广阔的政治影响力中的大部分。

7.Similar barriers are pkely to paralyse cross-border electronic payments, and maybe even telecoms traffic.相似的壁垒还有冻结跨境电子支付,甚至是电信业务。

8.South Korea is experiencing a third wave of suspected cyber-attacks - co-ordinated attempts to paralyse a number of major websites.韩国正经受第三轮可疑的网络攻击,该攻击使几大主要网站关闭。

9.In very rare instances, the virus in the vaccine can mutate into a form that can paralyse.在极少的情况下,疫苗中的病毒可能变异成一种可导致瘫痪的类型。

10.Don't analyse, don't analyse, don't go that way. Don't lead that way. That would paralyse your evolution.不要分析,不要分析,不要那样。不要那样做。那会麻痹你的发展。