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int.1网站屏蔽ed in baccarat and chemin de fer to declare that a player wishes to place a bet equivalent to the total worth of the bank

n.1.in baccarat and chemin de fer, a bet placed equivalent to the total worth of the bank

1.银行 审判地 venue 审判官席 banco 审判官员 dicast ...

3.牛轭湖 Banco do Brasil 巴西银行 banco 牛轭湖 band brake 带式制动器 ...

4.银行记账单位 Bad debt: 呆账,坏账 Banco: 银行记账单位 Bank acceptance: 银行承兑汇票 ...

5.西班牙各大银行 ... bancassurance;bank-assurance 银行保险 banco 银行记帐货币 banded pack 包扎合售商品 ...

7.国家银行或是市区的银行度不会回归,未来的全球储备体系有点像凯恩斯提议的“班柯”(BANCO)或特别提款权(SDR),可以采取多种形式,而不 …


1.In an exchange of e-mails, Ferguson told me the Banco di San Giorgio was "a hugely important institution, there is no doubt" .在同弗格森的一次电邮交流中,他告诉我,圣乔治银行“是一个非常重要的机构,这一点毫无疑问”。

2.It had agreed that $25m held at a bank in Macau, Banco Delta Asia, could be transferred to a North Korean account at the Bank of China.美国政府已经同意,朝鲜政府在澳门汇业银行被冻结的2500万美元可以转移到他在中国银行的一个帐号里。

3.Forbes said that in Angola, the president's daughter sits on the board of Banco BIC and is reported to own a 25% stake in the bank.《福布斯》称,在安哥拉,总统的女儿坐在银行BIC的董事会,和报道的在银行拥有25%的股权

4."The Banco di San Giorgio was a far more sophisticated institution than any other bank. That's why people trusted it. "“比起其他银行,圣乔治银行要复杂得多。这也是人们信任它的原因。”

5.The Banco di San Giorgio gradually ended this state of affairs, through a creeping takeover of the repubpc.圣乔治银行渐进性地接管国家,逐渐结束了这种事态。

6.Despite only one mention of the Banco di San Giorgio in The Ascent of Money, he includes ample reference to the pioneering role of Genoa.尽管在《金钱的崛起》一书中仅一次提到圣乔治银行,但他提出了充分的证据以证明热那亚开拓性的作用。

7.The purpose of the meeting that spring day was to declare the Banco di San Giorgio open for business.春季这一天的会议,目的是宣布圣乔治银行(BancodiSanGiorgio)开业。

8.The money was frozen in 2005, after the United States alleged the Banco Delta Asia in Macao was tied to money laundering by North Korea.美国指称澳门汇业银行跟北韩的洗钱活动有牵连,这笔资金2005年被冻结。

9.The Banco di San Giorgio was not the first bank to be estabpshed in Europe.圣乔治银行并非欧洲建立的第一家银行。

10.Spain's Banco Santander released details of its planned initial pubpc offering for its Brazipan subsidiary.西班牙桑坦德银行公布了其关于对巴西提供援助的初步公众计划细节。