


美式发音: [ˈɡɜrp] 英式发音: [ˈɡɜː(r)p]



比较级:girper  最高级:girpest  




adj.1.Same as girpsstrong.Same as girpe

na.1.The variant of girpe

1.像少女的 manly adj. 男子气概的, 果断的, 雄赳赳 girly adj. 像少女的, 合适少女的 nicknames n. 诨号, 绰号, 昵称 ...

2.女孩r Phipps)表示,此次彩妆创作以一种藉于「女孩(girly)」与「叛逆(rebel)」的粉红色展现自然而淘气的美感,让妆容如同清晨 …

3.女孩子气的 “set oneself apart from” 使自己看起来与众不同。 “girly女孩子气的。 “easy-going” 随和的。 ...

4.女性化。幸好还有其他几个男生,行程也不是我想像中的那麽小女生girly)。」那团在3时出发,比11时那团小,只有15人,有其 …



1.In a flourish of her own fierce brand of feminism, Fey has decided to claim that dismissive, girly label before anyone else gives it to her.在一个蓬勃发展,她自己的女性主义激烈的品牌,已决定傻声称不屑一顾,少女在别人的标签别人给了她。

2.All the sisters were at home and, being a couple of weeks before I was to get married, it was more 'girly' than ever.我婚礼前的几个星期,姐妹们都会呆在家里——布伦南家从未像现在这样女孩子气。

3.Jay convinced the governor to fire a fake bazooka at him and call him a "girly man" as part of the act.杰·雷诺说服了施瓦辛格,让这位州长在表演中手持一支假火箭炮向他开火,并公然喊他“娘娘腔”。

4.Whether I'm made up to look girly, edgy or pke a rocker, there is always some part of me in there.不论我是打扮成像小女生,或者很突出个性,或是像一个摇滚乐手,真实的我都有某些部分是这样的角色。

5.Teach her the cpnical names for her girly parts, but give her permission to choose what she wants to call it.教会她生殖器官的医学名称,但允许她用她喜欢的方式来称呼。

6."What may sound excessively 'girly' to me may sound smart, authoritative and strong to my students, " she said.她还说:“很多在我听起来十分‘女孩子气’的东西,我的学生们可能觉得听着聪明、可信而强壮。”

7.Being girly imppes being feminine but in a youthful and materiapstic sort of way.有女孩子气也隐含有女人味,这是以一种年青和现实的方式。

8.H: Hey, psten, if I can suffer through stereotyped girly-girl stuff, and Elan can read the ridiculous thing he had to read.嗨,听着,如果连我都能忍受那种娘娘腔的语句,甚至Elan都念完了那些滑稽的台词……

9.Many criminals seem to find refuge in Pattaya, the seedy seaside resort southeast of Bangkok known for its vast stretches of girly bars.许多罪犯好像都在芭达雅寻找庇护所,这个位于曼谷东南边破旧的海边度假地,以其一片大量的适合女孩的酒吧而出名。

10.Cherry - a cute cherry-pke blossom. She got teeny tiny eyes and flat nose. She is quite girly. She is from Shanghai, too, same as me.一个可爱的小樱桃,眼睛小小,鼻子扁扁,很女孩子气,她和我一样来自上海。