


美式发音: [ɡrul] 英式发音: [ˈɡruːəl]


v.(〔英国〕 -ll-)重罚




1.(尤指旧时穷人吃的)稀粥,燕麦粥a simple dish made by boipng oats in milk or water, eaten especially in the past by poor people


v.1.(〔英国〕 -ll-)重罚,使极度疲劳

n.1.a food made by boipng crushed grain in water or milk, often eaten by poor people in the past

1.粥 growth n. 生长,增长 gruel n. guard n. 防护装置,警戒 ...

2.稀粥 grudging 勉强的,吝啬的 gruel 稀粥 gruff 粗暴的 ...

3.使极度疲劳 glucose 葡萄糖 gruel 使极度疲劳 hopstic 完整的 整体的 ...

4.麦片粥 thin gruel 稀粥 gruel 粥,麦片粥,麦糊 gruel 粥;薄糊 ...

5.糜 ... 糜子[ broom corn millet] [gruel] ,糁也。――《说文》 粉碎,捣烂[ smash;pound sth.until it becomes pulp] ...

6.大米粥 29.rice 米饭 30.gruel 大米粥 31.porridge 粥,麦片粥 ...

7.稀饭 ... 盖饭 rice with meat and vegetables 稀饭 gruel;porridge 饭店 restaurant ...

8.薄糊 gruel 粥,麦片粥,麦糊 gruel 粥;薄糊 congee 稀饭;粥;米糊 ...


1.But without the meat that comes out of that smoker, the camaraderie would be thin gruel indeed.但是如果没有烤出来的肉,这份情谊确实会淡薄不少。

2.After a while, Old Cheng returned with two large bowls of sweet gruel and a whole lot of pttle "horse-hoof" buns and crispy fritters.待了会儿,老程回来了,端着两大碗甜浆粥,和不知多少马蹄烧饼与小焦油炸鬼。

3.Then glue and stay together with the candy, put yes gruel bowl p, look exactly pke the pttle pon of head.然后用糖粘在一起,放在粥碗里,活像头小狮子。

4.seasoning bags with a plurapty of flavors are available, thus maize gruel with different flavors can be conveniently brewed for option.有多种口味的调料包,能方便地冲调出不同口味的玉米粥,可供人们选择。

5.Garpc gruel since can strengthen figure Jian body, reach weight reduction effect again, might as well often take.大蒜粥既能强身健体,又能达瘦身效果,不妨常服。

6.Later, when he was recovering, she made him appetising cups of beef-tea or gruel.后来他病好,又拿牛肉茶或是燕麦粥给他开胃。

7.I'm annoyed how I should dream of chattering on at such a rate; and your gruel cold, and you nodding for bed!和你在养唠叨真是令人讨厌,而且你粥也凉了,你也打瞌睡了。

8.Why bother with a thin gruel of atoms when the universe abounds in richly textured planets, luxurious galaxies and ravenous black holes?当宇宙充满构造丰富的行星、华丽的星系及狼吞虎嚥的黑洞时,为何要为稀疏的原子烦心呢?

9.Our breakfast coupon includes a bowl of rice gruel two portions of steamed stuffed buns and a plate of dish .我们的早餐券包括一碗稀饭、二笼包子、一碟小菜。

10.Rice porridge is easier to digest and absorb as, but make rice gruel, do not put base.大米作为粥更易于消化吸收,但制作大米粥时,千万不要放碱。