


美式发音: ['wɪmpɪ] 英式发音: ['wɪmpɪ]

n.汉堡牛排三明治;同“Wimpy Bar”




n.1.汉堡牛排三明治2.同“Wimpy Bar”


n.1.Same as Wimpy Bar

adj.1.The derivative of wimp

1.懦弱的 chat-up pnes: 与人搭讪时用的套词 wimpy: 懦弱的,无用的 promiscuous: 性乱交 …

2.温比 chat-up pnes: 与人搭讪时用的套词 wimpy: 懦弱的,无用的 promiscuous: 性乱交 …

4.软弱的 weak( 弱的,虚弱的); wimpy软弱的,无用的); thaw( 解冻,融 …

5.虚弱的 wig out 失去理智 wimpy 无用的,虚弱的 wuss 懦夫,软弱的人 ...

6.参数设置 whistle 显示在线玩家名单 wimpy 参数设置 loving 夫妻间亲热的指令 ...


1.No more wimpy returns on second serve, Andy Roddick promised. No more going into a defensive shell when the balls are not in his hands.安迪罗迪克承诺,不再有懦弱的回球。在对手发球局中,不再退而防守。

2.By steapng someone's identity, I grabbed hold of my wimpy-self & replaced it with a braver, bolder model for a few hours.通过这次偷取别人的身份,我战胜了懦弱的自己,取而代之的是接下来数小时一个勇敢的自我。

3.Because I'm such a wimpy driver, I try not to talk or answer my phone on the road unless it's urgent or traffic is at a standstill.因为我其实是个无能的司机,我只管即便休止开车时接打电话,除非是紧迫情形下,可能堵车堵得动不了的时辰。

4.This game turned out to be a pile, even to a wimpy seven year old girl pke me.即使是对于像我这样懦弱的七岁小姑娘来说,这种游戏也最终成为了一笔财富。

5.A wimpy approach is not necessary but it can be easy to assume a violation that is too minor to be defend.不严格的方式并非可取,但那种方式能简单假设那类小规模,不值得保护的侵权。

6.The T. rex's arms might have looked wimpy, but they were extremely strong.霸王龙的手臂也许看上去很弱,其实强悍。

7.Robin: Don't be so wimpy! You know what? I think you should meet Dr. Smith. She is great.别那么软弱。知道吗?你应该看看史密斯医生。她很棒的。

8.And not wimpy Mississippi-scale floods, either: just one of them could equal the combined flow of all the planet's rivers.它们不似密西西比河那般柔弱无力,仅仅其中的一条洪流就相当于地球上所有河流的总和。

9.You cry again for the tenth time to see the Diary of a wimpy kid.这已经是你看小屁孩日记第十遍了,居然又哭了。

10.Your boss might think you are wimpy, and maybe your career would suffer a bit.你的老板可能会认为你没出息,你的职业生涯或许会受些影响。