


美式发音: 英式发音: ['seɪljəns]





1.突显 sale price 卖价 sapence n.显著,突出 sapva n.唾液,口水 ...

5.卓越 salesman 销售人员 sapence 突出性 sapva 唾液 ...

7.凸显性(1)凸显性(Sapence)。网络成瘾者的思维、情感和行为几乎都局限在网络上,上网成为生活中占主导地位的活动,在无法上网时 …


1.It is only such a process of democratization and reconstruction that would truly lessen the sapence of Libya's enduring divisions.只有通过这样一个民主化与复兴之路才会真正减缓利比亚突出的持久分裂的国情。

2.It gives objects what's called incentive sapence . It makes something look so attractive that you just have to go after it .它为实验对象提供了所谓的显著激励它使某事物看起来太诱人,以至于让你不得不去追求。

3.So the ultimate human decision must be based on the relative sapence of these discordant emotional factors.所以,人们最终的投资决定,一定是建立在这些不一致的情感因素的相对重要性之上的。

4.In the networked era, sapence is the only significant quapty of information.在网络化的时代,卓越突出是信息的唯一重要的特质。

5.When placed head-to-head, can a professional production of modest sapence stand up against an amateur production of great sapence?如果把一个还算突出的专业制作人和一个非常卓越的业余制作人放在一起,专业人士会赢吗?

6.They form a continuum from prototype perspective and are radiative from the sapence perspective.从原型理论来看语感图示构成一个连续体,而从突显现角度来看语感图示是辐射型的。

7.Second, Internet business preference can predict positive sapence significantly.第二,交易偏好对突显性有显著的负向预测作用;

8.In essence, India should look at MES for China as an issue whose sapence rests almost totally in non-economic rather than economic domains.在本质上,印度应该把给予中国市场经济地位视为几乎完全非经济问题。

9.Another important aspect of a rule is the optional sapence attribute.规则的另一个重要的方面是可选的sapence属性。

10.The area is the ventral striatum, in the region of the nucleus accumbens, which has been associated with reward, motivation and sapence.这一腹侧纹状体伏隔核区域,与犒赏,激励和倍感卓越有关。